I am not proud of my Java Bootcamp exam application. I decided to rebuild and improve a few things. This time I focused only on the backend. I've given up online viewing (zero HTML, JSP and so on). The basic functions have remained the same. I created a REST API using all the advantages of Spring Boot.
- simple authorization
- validation
- unit tests for all complex packages: users, rentals and tools and one (of five) simple: category
- logs
- spring doc
- jar package instead of war
Backend - Java 17, Spring Boot 2.7.5, My SQL database by default placed locally. Frontend - no frontend ;)
username: admin
password: admin
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/tools
username: root
password: coderslab
http://localhost:8080 - homepage
First of all you need create some tools, create users (like colleagues, family members, or neighbours) from Utilities menu. After that you can rent particular tool. Postman is a very usefull tool to test API calls. All of available. CRUD without "D" (there is no delete ability), due to the traceability of history.