A website and a webservice that allows the user to convert between two currencies.
- The user can input a source currency, an amount in the source currency, and an output currency
- The user will see the value in the output currency
- The user can see a history of the last 10 currency conversions that were performed
- At least US dollars, Euros, and Japanese Yen are supported as input and output currencies
client // Client made with Gastby
server // Server made with Nest.js
Create your own API KEY at https://free.currencyconverterapi.com/free-api-key and create an entrance for API_KEY in the .env file.
$ cp .example.env .env
$ docker-compose up
Frontend: http://localhost:8000
# Get into server folder
$ cd server
# Start mongo for running e2e and smoke tests.
$ docker-compose up mongo
# Unit tests
$ yarn test
# E2E tests
$ yarn test:e2e
# Unit tests coverage
$ yarn test:cov
# Smoke tests
$ yarn test:smoke
# All tests
$ yarn tests