RDSdrawJS is an attempt to recreate an old DOS application that generates autostereogram images, also known as "magic eye"
The original application can be found here, http://home.rotfl.org/prg/rdsdraw/index.html
- Toolbar
- Palette
- Status bar
- Canvas
- Flat Plane
- Pyramid
- Circle
- Elipsoid
- Poligon (wip)
- Poligon 3D (wip)
- Plane
- Cylinder
- Freehand (wip)
- Text
- Grabbing
- Clear Screen
- Disk Operation
- RDS (random dot stereogram render engine, wip) -- [ ] Firefox render bug freezes the app
- Responsive/resize to fit the screen
RDSdrawJS is released under the MIT License.