<img src=‘https://jenkins-iac.cegeka.be/job/puppet-newrelic/badge/icon’ />
This module can install New Relic’s Server monitor agent on your servers.
Sign up for an account at newrelic.com/signup if you haven’t yet.
Apply the ‘newrelic` class to any nodes you want the agent installed on
Login to your New Relic dashboard and you should see your servers show up in a few minutes.
class { 'newrelic::server_monitoring' : newrelic_license_key => '<your license key>', } newrelic::application_monitoring { 'newrelic application monitoring for appserver': newrelic_version => '3.5.1', newrelic_app_root_dir => '/opt/appserver', newrelic_app_owner => '<your app user>', newrelic_app_group => '<your app group>', newrelic_license_key => '<your license key>', newrelic_app_name => '<your app name>', newrelic_agent_loglevel => '<loglevel>', newrelic_use_ssl => true|false, }