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Python3 Installation Guide

Paul Rudkin edited this page Apr 3, 2022 · 1 revision

Following the release of macOS 12.3, Apple has decided not to include built-in Python which this workflow makes use of.

Therefore, in order to make this workflow work, you now need to install python3 by yourselves.

To make things more smooth and more consistent, only python3 installed using homebrew is supported.

1. Install Homebrew

Install Homebrew following the official guide

2. Install Python 3 with Homebrew

brew install python

Normally, any Python 3 should work

Final Notes

  • For the advanced users, you can manually change the python3 executable used, but I can't guarantee everything to work as expected
  • Try a clean reinstall of the workflow and python if it fails. Open an issue and detail your macOS, Alfred, Python version if you still can't make it to work, and I'll see if I can help ASAP
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