This is an extended ROS implementation of the GGCNN network. The node outputs the best picking location based on an object's depth image and the input of the three packages Bodyparts, Egohands and YOLOv3. Extensive pre- and post-processing prevents the picking of human body parts.
This node is part of a larger project with the objective to enable object-independent human-to-robot handovers using robotic vision. The code for this project can be found here.
- Depth image: sensor_msgs/Image
- Bodyparts: sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
- Egohands: sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
- YOLO: sensor_msgs/Image
- Best picking point: GraspPrediction, transformed into the robot's base frame.
This heat map shows the success probability for each pixel (0%: dark blue, 100%: dark red). Pixels belonging to the human are set to 0%, pixels close to the hand are degraded.
The models have been tested with Python 2.7. The camera-to-base-frame transformations are specific to the Franka Emika robot arm. If a different robot is used, an adaption of the file is required.
- Depth camera (for this project an realsense D435 was used)
- GPU >= 4 GB
ATTENTION: This package requires the ROS operating system!
- Python: see requirements.txt
- ROS packages:
Note: To enable real-time processing it might be necessary to distribute these packages across several computers. We recommend using sensor_msgs/CompressedImage to keep the network usage on a reasonable level.
Before launching the package, make sure that the camera and the 3rd party ROS packages are up and running.
The ROS package contains a launch file:
- Publisher: Publishes a mask every time a new image is published by the camera.
- Depth image: sensor_msgs/Image
- Bodyparts: sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
- Egohands: sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
- YOLO: sensor_msgs/Image
- Best picking point: GraspPrediction, transformed into the robot's base frame.
The initial setup can be changed by adapting the ggcnn_humanseg.yaml file:
Camera info: The following settings adjusted for using a Franka Emika robot arm with a end effector mounted realsense D435.
- info: Rostopic the publisher is subscribing to (camera info).
- camera_frame: The camera frame.
- robot_base_frame: The robot base frame.
- fov: The camera's field of view.
- image: Rostopic the publisher is subscribing to (rgb image).
- depth: Rostopic the publisher is subscribing to (depth image).
- bodyparts: Rostopic the node is subscribing to (bodyparts).
- egohands: Rostopic the node is subscribing to (egohands).
- darknet: Rostopic the node is subscribing to (YOLO v3).
- topic: Rostopic the publisher node is publishing to.
Ggcnn: GGCNN specific parameter. See this paper for more information.
- crop_size: Change with caution!.
- crop_offset: Change with caution!.
- out_size: Change with caution!.
- dist_ignore: Field of range in meter [m]. Objects behind this distance are ignored.
- gripper_width: Gripper height in meter [m].
Visualization: The visualization node publishes the heat map showing the success probability for each pixel (0%: dark blue, 100%: dark red). Please be aware that turning on the visualization increases computing time and network utilization substantially (approx. factor x20).
- topic: Rostopic the node is publishing to (visualization).
- activated: Turn on/off visualization: use keywords "True" or "False" only.
The ROS node is powered by the GGCNN of dougsm. For more information, please refer to the following paper or github repository.
The project is licensed under the BSD 4-Clause License.