This is a local host example that deploys an attribut reflector for an OIDC RP that displays attributes release by the OIDC OP after successful authenication.
This reflector is useful for troubleshooting OIDC claims including decoding encoded access tokens.
Copy the example file src/auth_openidc.conf.example
to src/auth_openidc.conf
as a starting OIDC RP config and update with relevant details.
for all config items and descriptions
Build the Docker image with:
docker build -t reflector-oidc-localhost:1 .
To create the certs run the following:
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout src/server.key -out src/server.crt
Start the service with:
docker compose up
From within a browser, access the localhost URL and accept the invalid certs warning. Depending on the host and/or guest config, it maybe necessary to route traffic to ports 5000 and 5001.
Follow the link "OIDC - Attribute Reflector" and then "Access the protected page" and when prompted complete a login.
On the redirect after login, the local host may be slow to respond, give it a chance.
This is derivative work based on php:8-apache Docker image from:
Notes for configuring the OIDC OP
Home URL: https://localhost.local:5001 Callback/redirect_uri parameter: https://localhost:5001/secure/redirect_uri