Weather application developed using Ionic 3 and Angular 4 with the use of wnderground API to fetch weather information.
WeatherApp is a hybrid mobile application developed in Ionic 3 framework. It uses wunderground API to report the weather of cities in US. Ionic storage is also implemented to store the location information in ionic.
API requests are made over HTTP. Data feature returns JSON data.
In Settings page, you can enter city and its state. After saving changes, application displays temperature, relative humidity, dewpoint, heat index. Default location for this application is Miami, FL
$npm install
$ionic serve
$ionic serve --lOR
$ionic lab
To add android platform
$ionic cordova platform add android
To add iOS platform
$ionic cordova platform add ios
$ionic cordova build android
While building an APK you might yet an error => Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'promise-polyfill'
Refer this issue => ionic-team/ionic-app-scripts#1001
Solution: In the project directory run the following command,
$npm install promise-polyfill --save-exact
and then run the command
$ionic cordova build android