API Used:
Video Demo: https://youtu.be/h9TzyX3MLpY
Data Fetched from API:
- World : total : cases, active, recovered and fatal
- Searched country covid stats
- Searched country flag
Things to know:
- User will be able to seach any country and will get the latest realted covid stats.
- Covid stats will be shown with the help of Piecharts and Bar Graphs.
- User can also save the searched country and can access saved country deatils offline with the help of CoreData Framework
- Tab bar is implemented for easy navigation.
- Used tableView and collectionView for displaying the data.
- Used xib's for custom layouts
- Added alert for : no networkConnectivity, failed API, empty data
- Pagination is implemented to fetch new data
- Design Pattern: MVC(Model View Controller)