Implementation of hMETIS
PHONEY [Pronounce 'poney'], Partitioning of Hypergraph Obviously Not EasY
Note: - It is very important at the moment that the clusters have the same ID as their
position in the Graph.clusters list.
- All .out files should be in the same <dir> folder. However, the script will
look the parent folder if they can't be found.
Usage: [-d <dir>] [-w <weight>] [--seed=seed] [--algo=algo] [--path=path] [--fix-pins]
[--simple-graph] [--custom-fixfile] [--netsegments] [--ub=UBfactor] [--onetoone] --help
-d <dir> Design directory containing the cluster information (.out files and such)
-w <weight> Amount of edge weights to consider, [1, 10]
--seed=seed RNG seed
--algo=algo 0: hMETIS [default: 0]
1: PaToH
2: Circut
3: Custom partitioner
4: Random partitioner
--path=path Full path to the partitioning tool
--simple-graph If set, translate the hypergraph into a simple graph
--fix-pins If set, force all standard cells connected to a pin to be placed
on the bottom die.
--custom-fixfile Use existing fixfile for hmetis, located in <dir> and named 'fixfile.hgr'
--netsegments Use alternative net segments for the graph generation. Needs a file named 'WLnets_segments.out'.
--ub=UBfactor Hmetis' UBfactor. eg ub=1 means partitions allowed to a disbalance of 49/51
--onetoone Flag set if there is not clustering applied to the design.
-h --help Print this help
- 0: 01_NoWires_Area
- 1: 02_1_NoWires_Area
- 2: 03_TotLength_Area
- 3: 04_1_TotLength_Area
- 4: 05_AvgLength_Area
- 5: 06_1_AvgLength_Area
- 6: 07_NoWiresXTotLength_Area
- 7: 08_1_NoWiresXTotLength_Area
- 8: 09_NoWires+TotLength_Area
- 9: 10_1_NoWires+TotLength_Area
Header: Name Type InstCount Boundary Area
- Column 1:
<cluster name>
, same as inClusters.out
- Column 2: Type of cluster,
by default. - Column 3: Amount of instances in the cluster [integer]
- Column 4: Coordinates of the cluster's bottom left corner,
(<x coordinate [float]>,<y coordinate [float]>)
- Column 5: Coordinates of the cluster's top right corner,
(<x coordinate [float]>,<y coordinate [float]>)
Columns 4 and 5 only make sense if the cluster is rectangular shaped. - Column 6: area of the cluster in µm2 [float]
Each line: <cluster name> <instance name 1> <...> <instance name n>
Each line is <net name> <instance name 1> <...> <instance name n>
Then each line is <net name> <number of pins [integer]> <length in µm [float]>
Memory block file specific to some designs.
The relevant lines should be as follows:
<instance name> <instance type> <amount of such instance> <total area of the gates in the instance> <total physical area of the instance> <porosity [default: unspecified]> <total area of the cumulated instance> <width> <height> <orientation> <type of standard cells inside>