Release v1.4.1
New Features
Added block support for the LIS3DH sensor.
Released new BlocklyProp Launcher client. The new client supports end to end encryption. The previous generation BlocklyProp Client application is now deprecated but no end date has been set for support of the older client application.
Project naming #250. Now you can rename a project file in your file manager and Solo will track the new filename when the project is loaded. If a project was renamed in the file system, the project metadata still reflected the previous project name. Now, the project metadata is reset to the filename is they diverge.
Updates & Bug Fixes
TypeError in Blockly.propc.variables_get #263. A coding error triggered a TypeError when loading projects that contained variable blocks/
Triangle Warnings when duplicating Array Set Element #172. The 'list' variable requires special handling because it is a reserved word in the Blockly core.
Serial Protocol block not retaining pin state when project is persisted to storage #246. Pin definitions for serial i/o blocks would be reset to zero when a project that contained them was loaded into Solo.
Named constants are not working properly #175. Named constants were not tracking correctly in pull-downs that listed constants that were defined in the project.
Move BlocklyProp Launcher download links #252. The new BlocklyProp Launcher files are now downloaded from the Parallax downloads server instead of from the Solo web server.
Solo tries to open project, then vaporizes #249. The application now traps project loading errors and provides an error message briefly describing the error.
Project import failure #273. Importing the contents of a second project into your current project failed with no obvious cause. The application now reports any issues encountered during the import phase.
Hide terminal beep sound file. #272. A recent release of the Chrome browser would display a sound tool in the browser whenever the application would generate sounds for events like linking blocks together or deleting blocks. The sound tool is now hidden.
We are deprecating the use of checksum verification in the project files. This was a BlocklyProp feature that piggybacked into Solo but is not necessary. This release disables the check while loading project files and writes a dummy checksum for all project save operations.
Terminal support has been refactored to remove dead code and generally clean up how this works.
Updated a pop-up message that appears when the code detects that the user is running an older version of the BP Client or Launcher. Hopefully, the new message is easier to understand.