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BlocklyPropClient.linux.spec Creation Details

Parallax Git Administrator edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 1 revision

The BlocklyPropClient.linux.spec is the build specification file for Linux. This file contains Python executable source generated automatically by the pyi-makespec command and later amended to include features not expressible via the pyi-makespec command-line options.

This spec file is meant to be executed by the PyInstaller application to generate the proper Linux executable package (self-contained folder with executable, Python libraries, icon file, etc.)

To regenerate a specification file for Linux:

  • Navigate to the project
    • $ cd ~/Projects/BlocklyPropClient
  • Generate a new BlocklyPropClient.spec file
    • $ pyi-makespec --windowed --icon BlocklyPropClient.ico --noupx
  • Update the BlocklyPropClient.spec file to include propeller-tools content
    • Below the "exe" block, add the following three lines
    #Propeller Tools
    propeller_libs_and_tools = Tree('propeller-tools', prefix='propeller-tools', excludes=['*.pdf', 'windows', 'mac'])
    propeller_libs_and_tools += [('about.txt', 'about.txt', 'About file')]
  • Above the the "coll" block, indicate that it is modified
    #Collection (edited to include Propeller Tools)
  • Below the "coll" block's "a.datas," line, insert the following line
  • Remove the "pathex" from the "analysis" block and, if wanting to save it, place it in commented form at the bottom of the file as follows:
     #From Analysis
  • Save the file and rename to BlocklyPropClient.linux.spec