- WS2812 Strip with 30 LEDs
- Reed Switch
- Arduino Nano
- MCP1700 LDO
- 2N3904 Transistor
- 1N4007 Diode
- 100NF Cap
- 2x 1µF Cap
- 1k Ohm Resistor
- 3x AA Battery
- 1 Battery Case
After Modification, the usage of the USB port of the Nano could damage it. I program the Nano via ICSP Pins with 3.3v.
The Core was changed to Minicore. Underclocked the Nano to 8Mhz using internal oscillator.
Removed the Resistor for the POWER led.
The nanos voltage regulator uses a lot of energy, therefore i removed the regulator and changed it to a LDO MCP1700
Using the transistor alone didn't help to completely shut down the WS2812 strip. Found this helpful thread which suggested using a diode to eliminate the backfeeding problem through DATA channel.
The current is measured with an external Arduino Nano and INA219 Breakout Board.