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New Version, with Docker

On a fresh system, this should now work:

Clone this repo:

cd ~
git clone

And clone PandaRoot (you need an Account for that):

cd ~
git clone

And lastly the LMD-Alignment repo:

cd ~
git clone

Then, install Docker (Please see the docker docs).

Add two aliases for containers, one for cvmfs:

cd ~
echo "sudo alias cvmfs='docker run --rm --privileged --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --device /dev/fuse --volume /cvmfs:/cvmfs:shared --name cvmfs --ulimit nofile=1024:1024 rklasen/cvmfs'" >> .bashrc

and one for lmdfit:

substitute my ${HOME}/LuminosityFit to your directories! (or leave them in the user home)

Requires paths:

Path Function
${HOME}/LuminosityFit Path to the LMD Fit Souce code (this code right here)
${HOME}/PandaRoot Path to the PandaRoot source code (not compiled yet)
${HOME}/lmdfit Path for an named pipe for IPC
${HOME}/LMD-Alignment Path to the LMD Alignment code (optional)

The other variables (DISPLAY, Xauthority, X11-unix) etc are needed to run ROOT TBrowsers from within the container with GUI (very helpful).

If you cloned PandaRoot and LuminosityFit to you user directory, you can just copy and paste this command:

cd ~
echo "alias lmdfit='DISPLAY=:0 xhost +local:; \
sudo docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
--net=host -it --rm \
--mount type=bind,source=${HOME}/LuminosityFit,target=/mnt/work/LuminosityFit \
--mount type=bind,source=${HOME}/PandaRoot,target=/mnt/work/PandaRoot \
--mount type=bind,source=${HOME}/LMD-Alignment,target=/mnt/work/LMD-Alignment \
-e="DISPLAY" -v="$HOME/.Xauthority:/mnt/work/.Xauthority:rw" \
-v="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" -v /cvmfs:/cvmfs:shared \
rklasen/lmdfit:miniApr21p2'" >> .bashrc

Refresh the .bashrc:

. ~/.bashrc

Start the CVMFS container:


Go into the Lmd Fit Container


Compile PandaRoot:

cd PandaRoot
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

When the configuration is done, you can compile the software:

make -j16

Once that was successful, leave the container and enter it again, so that the updated .bashrc is loaded and to test if the PandaRoot build was found:


You should be greeted with:

user@user-VirtualBox:~$ lmdfit 
non-network local connections being added to access control list
Yay container!
System during compilation: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
System now               : Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

Then, compile the Luminosity Fit Software:

cd ~
cd LuminosityFit
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

When the configuration is done, you can compile the software:

make -j 16

This may take up to 30 minutes on a reasonably modern PC, or much longer on a potato. Please feel free to get a coffee, tea, beer, or lunch.

The Software should now be setup. Go into the example dir and run the fit:

cd ~/LuminosityFit/example
../build/bin/runLmdFit -d $(pwd)/angular -c $(pwd)/fitconfig-fast.json -m 8 -a $(pwd)/resAcc -o $(pwd)/lumi-values.json

In the example dir, a new file called lumi-values.json should appear and contain:

    "measured_lumi": "2666209.0536252349",
    "measured_lumi_error": "1978.9221364629209",
    "generated_lumi": "2661273.1530764317",
    "relative_deviation_in_percent": "0.18547139902182733",
    "relative_deviation_error_in_percent": "0.074359978199730711",
    "fit_converged": "true"

It should contain more or less exactly these values.

The LumiFit Software with KoalaSoft

On the Himster, the software is run in singularity containers. They have a lot of advantages, but one big disadvantage is that Singularity ignores $HOME/.bashrc as it is defined in a container and instead uses the host system's $HOME/.bashrc. This is a problem because once PandaRoot oder KoalaSoft are compiled, they have to be loaded to the active shell with the script. This script is called from the host $HOME/.bashrc and thus ignored by Singularity (which is also why we can use one container for both softwares).

So, on the Himster, you have to add the following lines to your $HOME/.bashrc:

# ==============================
# ==== FairROOT / PANDAROOT ====
# ==============================

# we still need to source the configs, since Singularity reverts to the real
# (non-container) $HOME
 . ~/KoalaSoft/docker/
#. ~/PandaRoot/docs/Docker/

And choose the appropriate line, either PandaRoot or KoalaSoft.

Which Container Version to Use?

So for the Lumifit with PandaRoot, the best idea is to use the container that uses FairSoft Nov22p1, and the container image file is appropriately named lmdfit-Nov22p1.sif.

KoalaSoft currently doesn't compile in that container however, so we have to use the old one. It's just called lmdfit-mini.sif I think it uses FairSoft Oct19p1.


The names of the container images are hard coded in the Lumi Fit Software right now, I've always wanted to read them from the experiment config as well, but didn't get around to that yet. You have to change the container name in the script in the python directory:

# the main command that the compute node will run
# singularity exec --env-file ${HOME}/LuminosityFit/lmdEnvFile.env ${HOME}/lmdfit-mini.sif bash -c ". \$VMCWORKDIR/build/ -a ; ${1}"
singularity exec --env-file ${HOME}/LuminosityFit/lmdEnvFile.env ${HOME}/lmdfitNov22p1.sif bash -c ". \$VMCWORKDIR/build/ -a ; ${1}"

Old Version, Manual without Docker

I wouldn't recommend this anymore, but it's still here for reference.


Make sure your Pandaroot environment is set up correctly, more precisely that these environment variables are set:


Boost and the gsl library are two requirements, which are automatically included with fairsoft, so you already have them installed for sure. It is recommended to use the same boost, which was used to build the pandaroot enviroment. Use the BOOST_ROOT environment variable to hint cmake to correct boost location.


(No need to put that export in your bashrc, just run it in your shell before cmake call)

Generate Container

You have to generate the Luminosity Fit singularity container before the software can be compiled and run.

Please see the docker/singularity documentation.

Run the following steps inside the container.


Simply create a build directory, change into that build directory, and run cmake {PATH_TO_YOUR_LUMINOSITY_FIT_SOURCE}.

IMPORTANT! This software works with either PandaRoot or KoalaSoft only. Either of these packages must be loaded prior to compilation, otherwise project-specific binaries will not be built! Use this example for PandaRoot:

. ~/PandaRoot/build/
cd ~/LuminositySoft
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
make -j16

First Run

Simulation jobs are executed inside a Singularity container. To keep the (runtime) environment clean, all environment variables are unset in the container and have to be explicitly set. This is done via a lmdEndFile.env, which depends on the cluster, LmdFit installation details and used Software (PandaRoot or KoalaSoft). It must be generated only once inside the Lmdfit singularity container with:


It's best if all env variables are already set.

My First MC Simulation, Reconstruction and Luminosirt Fit

For many studies we need lots of simulation data from different boundary conditions (rest gas, misalignment and so on), automated reconstruction and luminosity fits. For these, we've included two scripts that automate almost everything in the python directory.

If you just want to generate simulation data, have it reconstructed and perform the lumi fit, run these (on Himster/Virgo):

./ -e expConfig/PANDA/1.5.config

This script is done pretty fast, but it does submit a lot of jobs. Check on these with squeue -u YOUR_USERNAME. Once all are done, run:

./ -e expConfig/PANDA/1.5.config

This may take a few hours.

Doing this Manually

If these break in the future and/or you want to do this manually, follow the manual instructions.


The binaries in the ./bin subdirectory of the build path can be used directly. For more convenient use, especially for larger datasamples sizes it is recommended to use the python scripts in the ./scripts subdirectory. However, to use these scripts several environment variables have to be exported.

export LMDFIT_BUILD_PATH="path-to-your-luminosityfit-build-directory"   # e.g. $HOME/LuminosityFit/build
export LMDFIT_SCRIPTPATH="path-to-your-luminosityfit-script-directory"  # e.g. $HOME/LuminosityFit/python
export DATA_HOME="path-to-himspecf-data-storage"`
export LMDFIT_DATA_DIR=$DATA_HOME/paluma/"directory-name-of-your-choice"

In order to have the full ROOT cling support, export the build library directory location to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


Using in Container with the Slurm Agent

Note: the agent currently needs Python 3.10 or higher. Start the agent with:

module load lang/Python/3.10.4-GCCcore-11.2.0

It will run in the background and wait for json-formatted SlurmOrders in the named pipe /tmp/lmdfitpipe. After it receives an order and executes it, it returns a json-formatted SlurmOrder to the same pipe (and blocks if no-one receives it!).

To exit the agent, pipe the exit meta-command to the pipe:

echo '{"orderType": -1}' > $HOME/tmp/lmdfit

Start container (pipe in /tmp is automatically available in Singularity):

module load tools/Singularity
singularity run lmdfit-mini.sif

In there, run the test simulation:

python python simparams.conf recoparams.conf

Mode of Operation

Because the Lumi Fit software is quite complex and performs a lot of steps, the detailled mode of operation can be found here.

Code Layout

This is reduced overview. For simplicity, directly user-callable scripts are teal, scripts (or binaries) that can be run by a user but should not are reddish. Usually, the user-runnable scripts call these other scripts themselves:

graph LR
    id1[can be called by user, few parameters] --> id2[should not be called directly, lots of parameters]
    style id1 fill:#3caea3
    style id2 fill:#ed553b

There are only few convenience scripts and lots of "under the hood" scripts (and binaries, yellow). Rectangular nodes are scripts or programs, round nodes are data containers (like root files, json config files etc)

flowchart TD --> --> --> --> LmdFitBinaries:::yellow --> --> simMacros[ROOT MC simulation macros] --> recoMacros[ROOT reconstruction macros]

    simMacros --> lumiMC{{Lumi MC, Lumi Digi}}
    recoMacros --> lumiQA{{Lumi_TrsQA}}
    lumiMC -.-> recoMacros
    lumiQA -.-> LmdFitBinaries
    LmdFitBinaries --> lumiValue([extrated luminosity]):::green

    %% --- color some nodes
    %% user callable

    classDef red fill:#ed553b
    classDef yellow fill:#f0a500
    classDef green fill:#125b50
    classDef teal fill:#3caea3



Apps in /bin/



Same but for the Koala Experiment


⚠️ This app is deprecated and no longer needed.

Is compiled to extractLuminosity. Needs only a path to the merge data, and extracts the fitted lumi from the lmd_fitted_data.root.

./extractLuminosity /lustre/miifs05/scratch/him-specf/paluma/roklasen/LumiFit/plab_1.5GeV/dpm_elastic_theta_2.7-13.0mrad_recoil_corrected/ip_offset_XYZDXDYDZ_0.0_0.0_0.0_0.0_0.0_0.0/beam_grad_XYDXDY_0.0_0.0_0.0_0.0/no_geo_misalignment/100000/1-100_xy_m_cut_real/no_alignment_correction/bunches_10/binning_300/merge_data

Note: currently this doesn't seem to work because the EstimatorOptions aren't saved to the root file, this is a new problem.

Singularity Wrapper

Some script parts need to be submitted to SLURM. Because the entire application only works inside the Singularity container from now on, it must be called with a special wrapper script:

flowchart LR
id1[squeue COMMAND] --> id2[squeue ./ COMMAND]

The script calls the container and sources the PandaRoot/KoalaSoft scripts necessary to set the needed env variables.


Luminosity Fit Software Package for the Panda Luminosity Detector






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Contributors 4
