a Vue2Leaflet plugin wrapper for leaflet-ruler
npm i vue2-leaflet-ruler
import LRuler from "vue2-leaflet-ruler";
export default {
components: {
"l-ruler": LRuler,
<!-- other components -->
<l-ruler :options="rulerOptions" />
Available options (These are the default)
rulerOptions: {
position: "topright", // Leaflet control position option
circleMarker: {
// Leaflet circle marker options for points used in this plugin
color: "red",
radius: 2,
lineStyle: {
// Leaflet polyline options for lines used in this plugin
color: "red",
dashArray: "1,6",
lengthUnit: {
// You can use custom length units. Default unit is kilometers.
display: "km", // This is the display value will be shown on the screen. Example: 'meters'
decimal: 2, // Distance result will be fixed to this value.
factor: null, // This value will be used to convert from kilometers. Example: 1000 (from kilometers to meters)
label: "Distance:",
angleUnit: {
display: "°", // This is the display value will be shown on the screen. Example: 'Gradian'
decimal: 2, // Bearing result will be fixed to this value.
factor: null, // This option is required to customize angle unit. Specify solid angle value for angle unit. Example: 400 (for gradian).
label: "Bearing:",
Thanks to the contributors of the leaflet-ruler plugin.
Panagiotis Bakas
This project is licensed under the MIT License .