This is an undocumented and messy PostgreSQL helper thing for PowerShell. It does not follow any best practices or PowerShell idioms, because it was written a long time ago. However, it does do the job.
You need Npgsql to use this module. See Google for a download location. For information about how to install modules, see about_Modules.
& {
Import-Module Npgsql -DisableNameChecking
Load-Driver Npgsql.dll
Run-UnitOfWork {
# normal queries
Invoke-Query '
select customer_id, email_address
from customers.customer
where email_address like :email
and created < :created' @{
email = 'niklas@%'
created = '2011-01-01'
} | % {
# do something with $_.customer_id and $_.email_address
Write-Host "$($_.customer_id) -> $($_.email_address)"
# void queries
$newCustomerId = Invoke-Query -Void '
insert into customers.customer
(email_address, created)
values (:email, :created)' @{
email = '[email protected]'
created = [DateTime]::UtcNow
} -ReturnId 'customers.customer_customer_id_seq'
# scalar queries
$emailAddress = Invoke-Query -Scalar '
select email_address
from customers.customer
where customer_id = :customerId' @{
customerId = $newCustomerId
} -ConnectionString "someconnectionstring" `
-ClearConnectionPools `
-Debug `
#-AutoCommit `
ClearConnectionPools clears Npgsql's connection pool before processing begins.
Debug will echo all queries with Write-Host.
AutoCommit will commit when done, unless a problem occurs. Without -AutoCommit, it will roll back the transaction when done.
Read the horrible source for more information.