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Table Views

palexdev edited this page Jan 22, 2022 · 1 revision

Table Views




  • Style Class: mfx-table-view

  • Default Stylesheet: MFXTableView.css

  • Default Skin:

  • Default Cell:

  • Default Columns:


Property Description Type
virtualFlowInitialized Useful property to inform that the table layout has been initialized/is ready.
For example it is used by the autosizeColumnsOnInitialization() method to autosize the columns before the table is even laid out by using a listener.
It is considered initialized as soon as the SimpleVirtualFlow retrieves the cells' height.
items Specifies the table's ObservableList containing the items. ObservableList
selectionModel The model holding the table's selection IMultipleSelectionModel
tableColumns The list containing the table's columns ObservableList
tableRowFactory Specifies the Function used to generate the table rows Function
transformableList This is the list on which filtering and sorting are made. The original list remains untouched! TransformableListWrapper
filters The list containing the filters' information used by the MFXFilterPane to filter the table ObservableList
footerVisible Specifies whether the table's footer is visible Boolean

CSS Selectors

  • .mfx-table-view

  • .mfx-table-view .columns-container

  • .mfx-table-view .columns-container .mfx-table-column

  • .mfx-table-view .virtual-flow

  • .mfx-table-view .virtual-flow .scrollbar

  • .mfx-table-view .virtual-flow .mfx-table-row

  • .mfx-table-view .default-footer

  • .mfx-table-view .default-footer .mfx-icon-wrapper

  • .mfx-table-view .default-footer .mfx-icon-wrapper .mfx-ripple-generator

  • .mfx-table-view .default-footer .mfx-icon-wrapper .mfx-font-icon


  • Style Class: mfx-paginated-table-view

  • Default Stylesheet: MFXTableView.css

  • Default Skin:

  • Default Cell:

  • Default Columns:


In addition to the properties inherithed by MFXTableView:

Property Description Type
currentPage Specifies the current shown page Integer
maxPage Specifies the last page index Integer
pagesToShow Specifies how many pages can be shown at a time by the pagination control Integer
rowsPerPage Specifies how many rows the table can show per page Integer

CSS Selectors

In addition to the CSS selectors of MFXTableView:

  • .mfx-paginated-table-view .default-footer .mfx-pagination (to reach the pagination control)

Cells/Sub-Components used by MFXTableViews


  • Style Class: mfx-table-row

  • Default Stylesheet: MFXTableView.css


Property Description Type
cells The row's cells as an unmodifiable observable list ObservableList
index Specifies the row's index in the SimpleVirtualFlow Integer
data Specifies the item represented by the row T[Generic]
selected Specifies the selection state of the row Boolean

CSS Selectors

  • .mfx-table-row

  • .mfx-table-row .mfx-ripple-generator

  • .mfx-table-row .mfx-table-row-cell


  • Style Class: mfx-table-row-cell

  • Default Stylesheet: MFXTableView.css

  • Default Skin:


Property Description Type
extractor The function used by the cell to extract from a generic table item T, the cell's data E.
Example: the table contains a list of Cities, the second column represents the city's population, the function extracts from a City object the population field
converter The StringConverter used to convert the extracted E field to a String, which will then be the cell's text StringConverter
leadingGraphic Specifies the cell's leading node Node
trailingGraphic Specifies the cell's trailing node Node

CSS Selectors

  • .mfx-table-row-cell

  • .mfx-table-row-cell .label (not really needed since it's bound to the row cell)


  • Style Class: mfx-table-column

  • Default Stylesheet: MFXTableView.css

  • Default Skin:


Property Description Type
rowCellFactory Specifies the Function used to build the row's cells Function
sortState Specifies the sort state of the column, can be UNSORTED, ASCENDING, DESCENDING SortState[Enum]
comparator Specifies the Comparator}used to sort the column Comparator
dragged Specifies whether the column is being dragged Boolean
columnResozable Specifies whether the column can be resized Boolean

CSS Selectors

  • .mfx-table-column

  • .mfx-table-column .laber (not really needed since it's bound to the table column)

  • .mfx-table-column .mfx-icon-wrapper (sort icon container)

  • .mfx-table-column .mfx-icon-wrapper .mfx-ripple-generator

  • .mfx-table-column .mfx-icon-wrapper .mfx-font-icon (the actual sort icon)