This repo template allows you to create a repo for your project pipelines
You need to create before in infra this resources:
- vm agent
- key vault
You need to add to the key vault at least this secrets:
- azure-devops-github-ro-TOKEN
- azure-devops-github-pr-TOKEN
- azure-devops-github-EMAIL
- azure-devops-github-USERNAME
- le-private-key-json
- le-regr-json
Use your github bot to generate the token to interact with your repo.
And don't forgot to associate to your repo as ADMIN, without this is impossibile to use the pipelines
Change the values in this files
Put the name of your production subscription
Change the project prefix and the names of your subscriptions
Change the information about the state, changed the prefix
with the prefix of your project used into the infra project.
(e.g. selc or dvopla)
To be able to launch terraform scripts you can use the script called
To launch the app pipelines use
sh apply app
To launch the iac pipelines use
sh apply iac
Check your code before commit.
pre-commit run -a
We have both developers who work with your Terraform configuration on their Linux, macOS or Windows workstations and automated systems that apply the configuration while running on Linux.
So we need to specify this in terraform lock providers:
terraform init
rm .terraform.lock.hcl
terraform providers lock \
-platform=windows_amd64 \
-platform=darwin_amd64 \
-platform=darwin_arm64 \