This GitHub repository contains code for deploying a proof of concept of application authentication using an Application Load Balancer (ALB) integrated with AWS Cognito.
The code deploys three applications. The first two applications are HTTP-HTTPS echo apps, with one of them protected by AWS Cognito for secure authentication, while the other is publicly accessible. The third app is an instance of Grafana, which is protected by AWS Cognito. We tried to configure AWS Cognito with it to achieve a one-step authentication.
Read this article for more information:
Have a VPC and an EKS cluster deployed on AWS
- /!\ Do not use word "cognito" in cluster name
Clone this repository
Create AWS profile "padok-lab" in ~/.aws/config, or if you want to use a profile of yours, search each occurrence of "padok-lab" and edit them with your profile name, then
direnv allow
Login to AWS:
aws sso login
Update kubeconfig :
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name '{cluster_name}'
Manage chart's dependency in each helm folder (app, grafana and ingress-nginx):
helm dependency update
Create terraform backend for remote state: in folder layers/0-bootstrap
terraform init
terraform apply
Deploy HTTP-HTTPS echo apps in your cluster: in folder layers/1-backbone
- In file
- Update local.domain_name with your domain name
- Replace with your EKS cluster name
terraform init
terraform apply
- In file
Create the ALB and configuration: in folder layers/2-authentication
- In file
- Update local.domain_name with your domain name
- Replace with your EKS cluster name
- Complete vpc_id and vpc_public_subnets_ids with your VPC information
terraform init
terraform apply
- In file
Deploy Grafana app in your cluster: in folder helm/grafana
- in values.yaml:
- replace the correct values in environment variables with your cognito user pool endpoint, user pool domain, user pool client id and your domain name (in GF_AUTH_JWT_JWK_SET_URL, GF_AUTH_JWT_EXPECT_CLAIMS, GF_AUTH_SIGNOUT_REDIRECT_URL)
- replace with grafana.{YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME}
- Apply chart:
helm install grafana .
- in values.yaml: