This project requires Python and the following Python libraries installed:
The neural network class contains all the functions required for training the model. The function fit is the training function which contains the neural network pipeline (Forward_prog, compute_loss, back_prop, update_parameters). The activation functions (Sigmoid, tanh, relu) and weights, bias initialization (xavier, normal) are independently defined.
The one hot encoding is performed to deal with categorial output variable. and it is defined as a seperate function.
The following line of code is an example to define a model using the MyNN class:
model = MyNN(network_size=layers,network_fns=act,batch_size = 64, loss_fn = 'crossE'
optimizer='NADAM',regularize= 'l2',alpha = 0, wb_init = 'xavier_uniform',
learning_rate = 1e-3, max_epoch=5,verbose=1,seed=25)
After defining the model, the training of the model can be done using the following command:,Y,x_valid,y_valid)
Wandb is a tool for tuning the hyper-parameters of a model. The wandb sweep requires to define a sweep configuaration with hyper-parameters in a dictionary type. The following code snippet is an example of defining the wandb sweep configuration:
sweep_config = {
'method': 'bayes', #grid, random
'metric': {
'name': 'accuracy',
'goal': 'maximize'
'parameters': {
'max_epoch': {
'values': [20, 30]
'wb_init': {
'values': ['he', 'xavier_uniform']
'batch_size': {
'values': [16, 32, 64]
'hidden_size': {
'values': [32, 64, 128]
'n_hidden': {
'values': [3,4,5]
'alpha': {
'values': [0, 0.0005, 0.5]
'learning_rate': {
'values': [1e-3, 1e-4]
'optimizer': {
'values': ['SGD','SGDM','RMSP','ADAM','NADAM']
'activation': {
'values': ['relu','sigmoid','tanh']
It is to be noted that these parameters can be changed and additional paramters for tuning can also be added.
The function train is the main function called by the wandb sweep. This function contains the wandb initialization and data pre-processing.
The function model_test finds the accuracy of the model with test data and plots the Confusion matrix heatmap.
In a terminal or command window, navigate to the top-level project directory NN_from_scratch/
(that contains this README) and run one of the following commands:
ipython notebook MNIST_Classification.ipynb
jupyter notebook MNIST_Classification.ipynb
The code for evaluating the perfomance of the model with MNIST Fashion data is seperately uploaded and it can be run using the following command:
jupyter notebook MNIST_fasion_test.ipynb
The code for evaluating the perfomance of the model with MNIST handwriting data is seperately uploaded and it can be run using the following command:
jupyter notebook NN_MNIST_HW.ipynb
The MNIST fashion dataset is downloaded directly from the Keras library using the following the command:
from keras.datasets import fashion_mnist
- The MNIST fashion dataset contains 80k image data. The data is split in the ratio of 90:10 for training and testing respectively.
- The training data is very split with ratio of 90:10 for training and validation. This is done to avoid Overfitting.
- All the test, train and validation data are normalized for better performance of the neural network
- Sentdex - Neural Network from scratch
- CS7015- Deep Learning