Joomla plugin for under construction or offline option with animation.
SPC Offline is based on LG_Offline-Page plugin allows you to easily create and customize your Joomla! offline page. This page can be used for an under-construction website or an under-maintenance website. Option to display a login form.
- Logo
- QR Code
- Titles
- Contact information (phone, fax, etc.)
- Social networks
- Countdown
- Méta tags data
- Favicon
- Backgroud color or image
- Connection form
- Logon rights to user groups
To activate the offline page, just activate this plugin by going to Extensions-->plug-ins, then do a search for offline, select the active option then save.
To deactivate go to Extensions-->plug-ins, then do a search for offline, select the deactivate option then save.
Note: It is not necessary to activate the page offline via default joomla global configuration -> Site