almapipy is python requests wrapper for easily accessing the Ex Libris Alma API. It is designed to be lightweight, and imposes a structure that mimics the Alma API architecture.
pip install (--upgrade) git+
Get functionality has been developed around all the Alma APIs (listed below). Post, Put and Delete functions will be gradually added in future releases.
API | Get | Post | Put | Delete |
bibs | X | |||
analytics | X | NA | NA | NA |
acquisitions | X | |||
configuration | X | |||
courses | X | |||
resource sharing partners | X | |||
task-lists | X | |||
users | X | X | X | X |
electronic | X |
# Import and call primary Client class
from almapipy import AlmaCnxn
alma = AlmaCnxn('your_api_key', location='Europe', data_format='json')
Alma provides a set of Web services for handling bibliographic records related information, enabling you to quickly and easily manipulate bibliographic records related details. These Web services can be used by external systems to retrieve or update bibliographic records related data.
# Use Alma mms_id for retrieving bib records
harry_potter = "9980963346303126"
bib_record = alma.bibs.catalog.get(harry_potter)
# get holding items for a bib record
holdings = alma.bibs.catalog.get_holdings(harry_potter)
# get loans by title
loans =
# or by a specific holding item
loans =, holding_id, item_id)
# get requests or availability of bib
alma.bibs.requests.get_by_item(harry_potter, holding_id, item_id)
alma.bibs.requests.get_availability(harry_potter, period=20)
# get digital representations
# get linked data
The Analytics API returns an Alma report.
# Find the system path to the report if don't know path'/shared')
# retrieve the report as an XML ET element (native response)
report ='path_to_report')
# or convert the xml to json after API call
report ='path_to_report', return_json = True)
Alma provides a set of Web services for handling courses and reading lists related information, enabling you to quickly and easily manipulate their details. These Web services can be used by external systems such as Courses Management Systems to retrieve or update courses and reading lists related data.
# Get a complete list of courses. Makes multiple calls if necessary.
course_list = = True)
# or filter on search parameters
econ_courses = = {'code': 'ECN'})
# get reading lists for a course
course_id = econ_courses['course'][0]['id']
reading_lists =
# get more detailed information about a specific reading list
reading_list_id = reading_lists['reading_list'][0]['id'], reading_list_id, view = 'full')
# get citations for a reading list, reading_list_id)
Alma provides a set of Web services for handling user information, enabling you to quickly and easily manipulate user details. These Web services can be used by external systems—such as student information systems (SIS)—to retrieve or update user data.
# Create a user, providing an identifier and some necessary or even additional data
# (according to each Alma implementation)
data = {'first_name': 'Tester #001', 'last_name': 'from Alma',
'account_type': {'value': 'EXTERNAL', 'desc': 'External'},
'external_id': 'SIS',
'contact_info': {
'email': [
{'email_address': '[email protected]',
'email_type': [{'value': 'work', 'desc': 'Work'}]}]}}
user = alma.users.create(identifier = 'alma.tester.001', id_type = 'primary_id', user_data = data)
user = alma.users.create(identifier = '20181126001650001', id_type = 'OTHER_ID_1', user_data = data)
# Retrieve a list of users or filter on search parameters
users = = {'first_name': 'Sterling', 'last_name': 'Archer'})
# Retrieve more information on that user
user_id = users['user'][0]['primary_id']
user =
# Update an user (This function is for advanced users)
response = alma.users.update(primary_id = 'alma.tester.001', user_data = full_user_data)
# Remove a user, providing an identifier.
response = alma.users.delete(identifier = 'alma.tester.001', id_type = 'primary_id')
response = alma.users.delete(identifier = '20181126001650001', id_type = 'OTHER_ID_1')
# Retrieve all loans or requests for a user. Makes multiple calls if necessary.
loans =, all_records = True)
requests =, all_records = True)
# Retrieve deposits or fees for a user
deposits =
fees =
Alma provides a set of Web services for handling acquisitions information, enabling you to quickly and easily manipulate acquisitions details. These Web services can be used by external systems - such as subscription agent systems - to retrieve or update acquisitions data.
# get all funds
# get po_lines by search
amazon_lines = alma.acq.po_lines.get(query={'vendor_account': 'AMAZON'})
single_line_id = amazon_lines['po_line'][0]['number']
# or by a specific line number
# search for a vendor
alma.acq.vendors.get(status='active', query={'name':'AMAZON'})
# or get a specific vendor
# get invoices or polines for a specific vendor
# or get specific invoices
# get all licenses
Alma provides a set of Web services for handling Configuration related information, enabling you to quickly and easily receive configuration details. These Web services can be used by external systems in order to get list of possible data.
# Restrieve libraries, locations, departments, and hours
libraries = alma.conf.units.read_libaries()
library_id = libraries['library'][0]['code']
locations = alma.conf.units.read_locations(library_id)
hours = alma.conf.general.read_hours(library_id)
departments = alma.conf.units.read_departments()
# Retrieve system code tables
table = 'UserGroups'
# Retrieve scheduled jobs and run history
jobs =
job_id = jobs['job'][0]['id']
run_history =
# Retrieve sets and set members
sets = alma.conf.sets.get()
set_id = sets['set'][0]['id']
set_members = alma.conf.sets.read_members(set_id)
# Retrieve profiles and reminders
depost_profiles = alma.conf.deposit_profiles.get()
import_profiles = alma.conf.import_profiles.get()
reminders =
Alma provides a set of Web services for handling Resource Sharing Partner information, enabling you to quickly and easily manipulate partner details. These Web services can be used by external systems to retrieve or update partner data.
# get partners
partners =
Alma provides a set of Web services for handling electronic information, enabling you to quickly and easily manipulate electronic details. These Web services can be used by external systems in order to retrieve or update electronic data.
# get e-collections
collections = alma.electronic.collections.get()
collection_id = collections['electronic_collection'][0]['id']
# get services for a collection
services =
service_id = services['electronic_service'][0]['id']
# get portfolios for a service
alma.electronic.portfolios.get(collection_id, service_id)
Alma provides a set of Web services for handling task lists information, enabling you to quickly and easily manipulate their details. These Web services can be used by external systems.
# get requested resources for a specific circulation desk
alma.task_lists.resources.get(library_id, circ_desk)
# get lending requests for a specific library
- Author: Steve Pelkey, Fco. Sanchez