This is an addon to use with todo.txt-cli.
Followup on done tasks to not forget to check if they are completely finished from every end.
Provide the ID of a task you want to follow up and optionally a date. followup ID [date]
This will mark that task as done and create a new one with the same text and the starting date provided as a parameter, written in natural language as accepted by date --date
If no date is provided "next week" will be used by default.
For example:
pablo@maFalda:~$ add test
16 2019-05-17 test
TRABAJO-TODO: 16 added.
pablo@maFalda:~$ followup 16 "next thursday"
16 x 2019-05-17 2019-05-17 test
TODO: 16 marked as done.
17 2019-05-17 @followup: test t:2019-05-23
TRABAJO-TODO: 17 added.