This is official pCloud C SDK for Linux.
You can use pre-build libraries or build them your self for your system. There are build and packeges for Windows and Linux
- Binary packages Linux and Winodws Prebuild shared libs for Linux and Windows
- Both Windows and Linux
Zlib A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library.
mbedtls mbed TLS (formerly known as PolarSSL) makes it trivially easy for developers to include cryptographic and SSL/TLS capabilities in their (embedded) products, facilitating this functionality with a minimal coding footprint.
On Ubuntu you can run the following command:
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev
* Initialization function. First to be called in order to initialize the library. Upon failure int error is returned
*and err parameter gets text message of the error. The err needs to be freed if there was an error. The Possible faults are:
*1 - no memory to initialize the library, 2 - Failed to initialize SSL library, 3 - failed to initialize pthered mutex.
*0 - success. The save_auth parameter indicates weather authentication information is to be saved in a file between runs of
*the library.
- int psdk_init(int save_auth, char **err);
* Allows login for users of external application that has corresponding reference id. Only paid customers registered from
*this application can be logging this way.
- int psdk_set_user_pass(const char * user, const char * pass, int save_auth, uint64_t ref);
* The method implements OAuth 2.0 authorization process that allows external applications to obtain access to users account
*with user's agreement. First call psdk_authorize to obtain URL where client can authorize the access to hist account. Open
*the obtained URL in browser or print it for the client to paste it himself/herself. Then if wait parameter is 1 all calls will
*block until clients authorization and if wait is 0 you can call psdk_wait_authorized to block until authorization acquired.
*Bare in mind that wait 1 with psdk_wait_authorized will most probably deadlock. The clientid and clientsicret parameters
*can be obtained from pcloud application management console:
char * psdk_authorize(const char *clientid,const char *requestid, char * clientsicret, int wait);
void psdk_wait_authorized() ;
* Creates an upload file task and reports completion progress in the given callback.
- int psdk_upload_file(const char* localpath, const char *filename, const char * remotepath, CompletitionCallback callback);
* Creates a download file task and reports completion progress in the given callback.
- int psdk_download_file(const char* localpath, const char *filename, const char * remotepath, CompletitionCallback callback);
* For all calls that take char **err and return int success is 0 and an error code is returned otherwise and err is populated with
*string description of the problem. In case of error err MUST BE FREED after it is used.
int psdk_rename_file(const char *path, const char *topath, char **err);
int psdk_delete_file(const char *path, char **err);
* Checks and creates new folder with write permissions on it and adds suffix to the name if necessary i.e. New Folder (1) etc..
- int psdk_check_create_folder(const char * path);
// Creates remote folder no checks no suffix
int psdk_create_folder(const char *path, char **err);
int psdk_delete_folder(const char *path, char **err);
int psdk_rename_folder(const char *path, const char *topath, char **err);
* Returns JSON representation of the description of the contents of given remote folder. On err NULL pointer is returned and
*err is filled up with string representation of the error in JSON form. If err is filled it must be freed.
- char * psdk_list_folder(const char *path, char **err);
*General purpose send API call function that can be used to issue different API commands and retrieve result as JSON.
*Parameter command is the name of the command, list of available commands and their respective responses can be found
*Parameter result is populated with JSON representation of the response, needs to be freed.
*If the method requires login, login parameter should be set to 1, otherwise to 0.
*The numparam is number of parameters that are going to be passed.
*The fmt is format string with the type of the parameters for where %s is string %n is numeric and %b is boolean. For example we pass
*3 parameters path, fileid,expire of types string int and bool, the corresponding function call would be:
*int res = psdk_send_api_command("command_name", result_json, 1, 3, "path%s fileid%n expire%b", path, fileid, 1);
int psdk_send_api_command(const char *command, char **result, int login, int numparam, const char * fmt, ...);
void psdk_stop();
#include "pSDK.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h>
int main() { char *err = NULL; psdk_init(1, &err);
char * authurl = psdk_authorize("lCmd5dtXNYX","1034", "LKAqbD8y39L93Y3WtdbRHy2mLQ8y", 1); printf ("Paste this in browser [%s]\n", authurl );
char * res = psdk_list_folder("/", &err);
printf ("List root: \n%s\n", res);
free (authurl); free(res); free(err);