Security is crucial in the emerging IT sector.So, passwords are very important.Usually, the people do not care much about it.But the malicious people, using a simple brute-force attack to break your's password, probably it success.Because, passwords are generally composed of meaningful words(birthday,name,first pet, etc).The reason why people choose simple passwords, the different passwords to keep in mind is not easy.
This program helps you to create password and manipulate.
The main encryption algorithm in module called "encode".This algorithm is so complex :)
EasytoMan , created in 2016, September by ExpectoTR.This tool's main mission is create more powerful and hacked to almost impossible passwords and safety hiding it.
Briefly, this tool takes a word and a key from you to which platform(twitter, mega, reddit, wifi etc.) want you to do encryption.The word and key must be MEMORABLE.
This tool encrypts according to a specific algorithm with key and word.Then save the encrypted cipher in "hashes.txt"
When you enter this program, first, the program check "hashes.txt" in same folder.The content of "hashes.txt" => $"platform name"$"hash"..
First platform name that important is su (Super User) password hash.Followings are other platforms.
If you want to enter the shell, must be login as Super User.
For access to all shell commands, must enter "help" in shell. It gives enough information.
For example "ExpectoTR" word and "2016" key values' output => 4a6363B973F8BD6BB1
Download with git:
git clone
Change permissions:
cd Easytoman
chmod a+x
Release Number Release Date Release Note
- 1.0.0 09/16/2016 First release