- Using Oxylabs’ solution to retrieve the SERPs results
- Scraping URLs of the top results
- Obtaining the off-page metrics
- Obtaining the Page Speed metrics
- Converting Python list into a dataframe and exporting it as an Excel file
Doing competitors’ or benchmark analysis for SEO can be a burdensome task as it requires taking into account many factors which usually are extracted from different data sources.
The purpose of this article is to help you automate the data extraction processes as much as possible. After learning how to do this, you can dedicate your time to what matters: the analysis itself and coming up with actionable insights to strategize.
For a detailed explanation, see our blog post.
import requests
keyword = "<your_keyword>"
payload = {
"source": "SEARCH_ENGINE_search",
"domain": "com",
"query": keyword,
"parse": "true",
response = requests.request(
auth=("<your_username>", "<your_password>"),
list_comparison = [
[x["url"], x["title"]]
for x in response.json()["results"][0]["content"]["results"]["organic"]
Viewing the results:
>>> print(list_comparison)
["https://example.com/result/example-link", "Example Link - Example"],
["https://more-examples.net", "Homepage - More Examples"],
["https://you-searched-for.com/query=your_keyword", "You Searched for 'your_keyword'. Analyze your search now!"],
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
for y in list_comparison:
print("Scraping: " + y[0])
html = requests.request("get", y[0])
soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text)
metatitle = (soup.find("title")).get_text()
except Exception:
metatitle = ""
metadescription = soup.find("meta", attrs={"name": "description"})["content"]
except Exception:
metadescription = ""
h1 = soup.find("h1").get_text()
except Exception:
h1 = ""
paragraph = [a.get_text() for a in soup.find_all('p')]
text_length = sum(len(a) for a in paragraph)
text_counter = sum(a.lower().count(keyword) for a in paragraph)
metatitle_occurrence = keyword in metatitle.lower()
h1_occurrence = keyword in h1.lower()
metatitle_equal = metatitle == y[1]
y.extend([metatitle, metatitle_equal, metadescription, h1, paragraph, text_length, text_counter, metatitle_occurrence, h1_occurrence])
except Exception as e:
y.extend(["No data"]*9)
import time
from mozscape import Mozscape
client = Mozscape("<MOZ username>", "<MOZ password>")
for y in list_comparison:
print("Getting MOZ results for: " + y[0])
domainAuthority = client.urlMetrics(y[0])
y.extend([domainAuthority["ueid"], domainAuthority["uid"], domainAuthority["pda"]])
except Exception as e:
time.sleep(10) # Retry once after 10 seconds.
domainAuthority = client.urlMetrics(y[0])
y.extend([domainAuthority["ueid"], domainAuthority["uid"], domainAuthority["pda"]])
import json
pagespeed_key = "<your page speed key>"
for y in list_comparison:
print("Getting results for: " + y[0])
url = "https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v5/runPagespeed?url=" + y[0] + "&strategy=mobile&locale=en&key=" + pagespeed_key
response = requests.request("GET", url)
data = response.json()
overall_score = data["lighthouseResult"]["categories"]["performance"]["score"] * 100
fcp = data["loadingExperience"]["metrics"]["FIRST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT_MS"]["percentile"]/1000
fid = data["loadingExperience"]["metrics"]["FIRST_INPUT_DELAY_MS"]["percentile"]/1000
lcp = data["loadingExperience"]["metrics"]["LARGEST_CONTENTFUL_PAINT_MS"]["percentile"]
cls = data["loadingExperience"]["metrics"]["CUMULATIVE_LAYOUT_SHIFT_SCORE"]["percentile"]/100
y.extend([fcp, fid, lcp, cls, overall_score])
except Exception as e:
y.extend(["No data", "No data", "No data", "No data", overall_score])
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(list_comparison)
df.columns = ["URL","Metatitle SERPs", "Metatitle Onpage","Metatitle Equal", "Metadescription", "H1", "Paragraphs", "Text Length", "Keyword Occurrences Paragraph", "Metatitle Occurrence", "Metadescription Occurrence", "Equity Backlinks MOZ", "Total Backlinks MOZ", "Domain Authority", "FCP", "FID","LCP","CLS","Overall Score"]
df.to_excel('<filename>.xlsx', header=True, index=False)
If you wish to find out more, see our blog post.