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The Configuration File

Jeff Foley edited this page May 5, 2020 · 1 revision

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You will need a config file to use your API keys with Amass. See the Example Configuration File for more details.

Amass automatically tries to discover the configuration file in the following locations:

Operating System Path
Linux / Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/amass/config.ini or $HOME/.config/amass/config.ini
Windows %AppData%\amass\config.ini
OSX $HOME/Library/Application Support/amass/config.ini

These are good places for you to put your configuration file.

Note that these locations are based on the output directory. If you use the -dir flag, the location where Amass will try to discover the configuration file will change. For example, if you pass in -dir ./my-out-dir, Amass will try to discover a configuration file in ./my-out-dir/config.ini.

Default Section

Option Description
mode Determines which mode the enumeration is performed in: default, passive or active
output_directory The directory that stores the graph database and other output files
maximum_dns_queries The maximum number of concurrent DNS queries that can be performed
include_unresolvable When set to true, causes DNS names that did not resolve to be printed

The network_settings Section

Option Description
address IP address or range (e.g. a.b.c.10-245) that is in scope
asn ASN that is in scope
cidr CIDR (e.g. that is in scope
port Specifies a port to be used when actively pulling TLS certificates

The resolvers Section

Option Description
resolver The IP address of a DNS resolver and used globally by the amass package
score_resolvers Toggle resolver reliability scoring
monitor_resolver_rate Toggle resolver rate monitoring

The domains Section

Option Description
domain A root DNS domain name to be added to the enumeration scope

The blacklisted Section

Option Description
subdomain A DNS subdomain name to be considered out of scope during the enumeration

The bruteforce Section

Option Description
enabled When set to true, brute forcing is performed during the enumeration
recursive When set to true, brute forcing is performed on discovered subdomain names as well
minimum_for_recursive Number of discoveries made in a subdomain before performing recursive brute forcing
wordlist_file Path to a custom wordlist file to be used during the brute forcing

The alterations Section

Option Description
enabled When set to true, permuting resolved DNS names is performed during the enumeration
minimum_for_word_flip Number of times a word must be seen before using it for future word flips and word additions
edit_distance Number of times an edit operation will be performed on a name sample during fuzzy label searching
flip_words When set to true, causes words in DNS names to be exchanged for others in the alteration word list
flip_numbers When set to true, causes numbers in DNS names to be exchanged for other numbers
add_words When set to true, causes other words in the alteration word list to be added to resolved DNS names
add_numbers When set to true, causes numbers to be added and removed from resolved DNS names
wordlist_file Path to a custom wordlist file that provides additional words to the alteration word list

Data Source Sections

Each Amass data source service can have a dedicated configuration file section. The section is named just as in the output from the 'amass enum -list' command.

This is how data sources can be configured that have authentication requirements.

Option Description
apikey The API key to be used when accessing the data source
secret An additional secret to be used with the API key
username User for the data source account
password Valid password for the user identified by the 'username' option

The disabled_data_sources Section

Option Description
data_source One of the Amass data sources that is not to be used during the enumeration

The gremlin Section

Option Description
url URL in the form of "ws://host:port" where Amass will connect to a TinkerPop database
username User of the TinkerPop database server that can access the Amass graph database
password Valid password for the user identified by the 'username' option