An addon to tesla-microservice to use a cachefile locally or on hdfs. In case of hdfs, the namenode can be automatically determined by querying a zookeeper every time the cache-file is read or written.
Add this to your project's dependencies:
Version 0.4.0
* require tesla-microservice 0.5.0
which has a scheduler in the base-system.
Version 0.3.3
- bugfix: history files were compressed twice
Version 0.3.2
- historization-strategy creates gzipped files
Version 0.3.0
- Refactoring of repo-structure
- Added a historization-strategy, which is used by the new
Version 0.2.0
- Complete redesign of the API. The Filesystem is now treated as an immutable resource.
Version 0.1.2
- added the possibility to cleanup hdfs-generations:
(cleanup-generations [self])
To make it work, you have to define a property
which specifies the number of generations with success-files to keep.
The delete is executed for the path you have specified
with the corresponding generations injected e.g.hdfs://namenode:1234/foo/bar/000001/subfolder
Version 0.1.0
has some major changes:
- a folder is now configured by the property
can be used) - many files can now been written to the folder configured
- generation-logic now works based on
-files: Read from latest generation with_SUCCESS
-file + write to latest generation if_SUCCESS
-file is not present or otherwise create and write to new generation
Version 0.0.10
has some api-changes:
- write-cache-file now takes a line-seq as input
- read-cache-file now takes an additional argument (read-fn), which is a function to accept a BufferedReader
- slurp-cache-file has the old behaviour of getting the file's content as one big string.
Version 0.0.9
has some major changes:
- the property
has been removed. The namenode is now configured directly in the cache-file-path - you can use
in your cache-file-path to determine the namenode from zookeeper - you can use
in your cache-file-path to read from the latest generation with the cache-file present and write to the latest generation if cache-file absent or otherwise to a new generation - uses [hdfs-clj "0.1.15"]
The component, if used within a system, can be accessed using this protocol:
(defprotocol GenerationHandling
(folder-to-write-to [self] "Creates new generation directory and returns the path.")
(folder-to-read-from [self] "Finds newest generation wit a success file and returns the path.")
(write-success-file [self path] "Creates a file named _SUCCESS in the given , which is a marker for the other functions of this protocol")
(cleanup-generations [self] "Determines n last successful generations and deletes any older generation."))
to your properties pointing to e.g. /tmp/yourfolder
is defined when adding the CacheFileHandler to your system:
(assoc :cachefile-handler (c/using (cfh/new-cachefile-handler "your-name") [:config :zookeeper]))
to your properties pointing to e.g. hdfs://namenode:port/some/folder
to your properties pointing to e.g. hdfs://namenode:port/some/{GENERATION}/folder
to your properties pointing to e.g. hdfs://{ZK_NAMENODE}/some/folder
Add zookeeper.connect
to your properties containing a valid zookeeper connection string.
The module is currently looking for a namenode-string at a zk-node called /hadoop-ha/hadoop-ha/ActiveBreadCrumb
The component, if used within a system, can be accessed using this protocol:
(defprotocol HistorizationHandling
(writer-for-timestamp [self timestamp] "Returns a PrintWriter-instance for the given timestamp (see Historization)"))
A new PrintWriter is returned for every new hour. This leads to the following fs-structure:
└── output
└── 2015
└── 11
└── 13
└── 13
| └── a2586bd5-2636-4130-1fef-cd35af8e433k.hist.gz
└── 14
└── c7586bd8-2636-4130-9fef-cd35af8e433f.hist.gz
Christian Stamm, Kai Brandes, Torsten Mangner, Daley Chetwynd, Carl Düvel, Florian Weyandt
Apache License