The cron job write by Python. Based on Akatsuki's cron job and adjusted somethings.
- Recalculate the total PP value of users in all modes and vanilla, relax
- Recalculate ranks (all modes and vanilla, relax)
- Update total score
- Remove expired donor badges
- Add donor badges
- Calculate user total playcount
- Send the progress of Cron Job to discord webbook
- Multiple send webhooks support
- Schedule System
First, install the requirements.
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Once that's finished, you can go ahead and make a config file, by doing:
$ cp ./config.sample.ini ./config.ini
$ nano config.ini
Then you can go ahead and change the needed stuff in there.
If you want to send webhooks to multiple, you can add ,
between webhook urls in config file.
And the last thing you have to do, is running the cron job
$ python3
If there's any issues during setup and runninng the cron job, feel free to post an issue <3
ORIGINAL | cmyui - Akatsuki-cron-py
Ainu fork | osuthailand - ainu-cron-py