The website of Open Source Software Data Analytics Lab at Peking University
- Main Page:
- Other Pages:
folder. - Personal Information:
folder. - Posts:
If you want to make major changes in style, layout, or add new features, please open a pull request and ask for current site maintainer for review. Some interesting directions includes
- Make a better looking publication list. (Probably by adding to a collection, some new includes and layouts)
- Give new features to personal profile page, making it suitable for hosting a good enough personal website inside our website.
I hope that this website should be as simple as possible, and should be easy to maintain and update even if the original creator has gone. Therefore, I choose to generate static websites from templates using jekyll.
First you need to install Ruby Gem and Bundler, then
To test this website locally, use
bundle exec jekyll serve
You can use
to automatically generate publication data. However, you need to manually add PDF links, slide links, etc.