Felice is client library for Apache Kafka in Clojure.
Built with simplicity it mind, it support by default JSON, Transit & Nippy (Fast | LZ4) and provide also custom Serializer / Deserializer mechanism
Note: the version contains in a first time the Kafka Client then the felice version, separated by hyphen.
String | :string |
Json | :json |
Json safe | :json-safe |
Transit MessagePack | :t+mpack |
Transit Json | :t+json |
Nippy Fast | :nippy+fast |
Nippy LZ4 | :nippy+lz4 |
Beware that any exception during the deserialization process (eg: malformed json) will be thrown by the poll call. This may result in a silent dead poll-loop.
Using a safe deserializer is an option, it will return a map containing the raw value (as a string)
and a :felice.serialization/error
key containing the exception instead of the deserialized value of the record.
(require '[felice.producer :as fp])
;see http://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#producerconfigs
(let [producer (fp/producer {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092" ;required
:key.serializer :string ;required
:value.serializer :t+json ;required
:close.timeout.ms Long/MAX_VALUE}
;; publish without key
(fp/send! producer "topic1" "value")
;; publish with a key
(fp/send! producer "topic2" "key" "value")
;; map syntax
(fp/send! producer {:topic "topic3" :key "key" :value "value"})
;; remember to close you producer
(fp/close! producer))
(require '[felice.consumer :as fc])
(defn print-record [{:keys [topic partition offset timestamp key value]}]
(println (format "Record %s(%d) %d @%d - Key = %s, Value = %s"
topic partition offset timestamp key value)))
;see http://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#producerconfigs
(def consumer-cfg {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092" ;required
:group.id "my-group" ;required
:auto.offset.reset "latest" ;or "earliest", used at first startup only
:key.serializer :string ;required
:value.serializer :json ;required
:enable.auto.commit true
:auto.commit.interval.ms 5000 ;delay between auto commits
:topics #{"topic1" "topic2"} ;auto subscribes at startup
:close.timeout.ms Long/MAX_VALUE})
(let [consumer (fc/consumer consumer-cfg)]
;; subscribe can take multiple topics at once
(fc/subscribe consumer "topic1" "topic2")
;; and keep your previous subscriptions
(fc/subscribe consumer "topic3")
;; basic polling
(let [cr (fc/poll consumer 100)
records (fc/consumer-records->all-records cr)]
(doseq [record records] (print-record record))
(fc/close! consumer))
;; poll-loop
(let [stop-fn (fc/poll-loop consumer-cfg print-record)]
;; consumes in a future thread
;; call the returned fn when you want to stop polling
;; poll-loops
(let [stop-fn (fc/poll-loops consumer-cfg print-record {:threads-by-topic 4})]
;; spawns 4 consumers by registered topic, each in its own future thread
;; call the returned fn when you want to stop polling
does nothing (use it if you enabled client auto commit):poll
commit last read offset after processing all the items of a poll:record
commit the offset of every processed record
You can set either :threads-by-topic or :threads option (if both are set, :threads-by-topic will win)
spawn N threads total (each thread listening all registered topic):threads-by-topic
spawn N threads for each registered topic- you can also provide a map {:topic :threads} instead of a list of topics
;; Commit after each record processed spawning 8 threads (4 for topic1 and 4 for topic2)
(fc/poll-loops consumer-cfg print-record ["topic1" "topic2"] {:commit-policy :record :threads-by-topic 4})
;; No committing 1 thread for topic1 and 4 for topic2
(fc/poll-loops consumer-cfg print-record {"topic1" 1 "topic2" 4} {:commit-policy :never})
The felice.admin
provide interface to Admin
kafka class, used to perform administration
tasks on your cluster:
(require [felice.admin :as fa])
(with-open [ac (fa/admin-client {:bootstrap.servers "localhost:9092"})]
(fa/list-topics ac) ;;=> #{"foo" "bar"}
See all the administration methods on documentation page.
The partitionner used by a producer can be set using this configuration key.
See default partitionner implementation
There is a comment at the bottom of the felice.producer namespace mimiking the default partitionner if you want to see the result for some keys.
;; default partitionner
(import 'org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils)
(defn partition-from-bytes [partition-count bytes]
(mod (Utils/toPositive (Utils/murmur2 bytes)) partition-count))
(defn partition-from-string [partition-count string]
(partition-from-bytes partition-count (.getBytes string)))
Copyright © 2018 - 2024 Oscaro
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.