Shascii is a terminal splash screen based on ascii art. Ideal for bash or sh consoles. The main goal of this project is to brag every time we open our terminal. Enjoy it.
We download the project.
$ mkdir .zsh && cd .zsh
Then we need to add this line to the the end of the .bashrc or .zshrc config files.
python ~/.zsh/shascii/
Or just execute this, for bash.
$ echo -e "\npython ~/.zsh/shascii/" >> .bashrc
Or this, for zsh:
$ echo "\npython ~/.zsh/shascii/" >> .zshrc
You can see and edit the default configuration in this file:
$ cat ~/.zsh/shascii/message.json
For instance, if you edit message.json with this:
"asci-art": "chasqui.txt",
"welcome-message": "Hi shascii"
You will get this awesome peruvian chasqui, pronounced like /shascii/