This python skript converts US letter PDFs to A4 PDFs using ghostscript and pdfcrop.
pdf-usletter-to-a4 [-h] [--margins MARGINS] [-o OUTPUT] [-p]
inputfiles [inputfiles ...]
positional arguments:
inputfiles PDF files to convert (at least one)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--margins MARGINS Margin argument passed to pdfcrop in bp units (see for unit
conversion). Defaults to 28.34677≈1cm
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file name (ignored when multiple input files
-p, --print Open okular print dialog after conversion
- pdfcrop
- ghostscript
- okular (for
The pdf-usletter-to-a4 script can be used right away without installation.
If you want to add a context menu entry like "Open With..." → "Print as A4", make sure the script is in your PATH and add the pdf-usletter-to-a4.desktop file to your ~/.local/share/applications/
Copyright © 2016 Piotr Orzechowski. This software is released under the MIT License.