Runtime groundwork
The client must have a standard way of interacting with Collection UROs. This includes communication with UROs and URO behavior. The URO receives a Collection root node from the client via gRPC and performs pre-programmed behavior combined with client input. URO pre-programmed behavior references default attributes of nodes that are required f…
The client must have a standard way of interacting with Collection UROs. This includes communication with UROs and URO behavior. The URO receives a Collection root node from the client via gRPC and performs pre-programmed behavior combined with client input. URO pre-programmed behavior references default attributes of nodes that are required for the successful execution of the URO. The URO standard will begin by writing two go library packages.
- The gRPC API for queuing default behavior of a URO.
- The UOR storage provider interface is used to translate URO content references to UOR attribute references.
Write the URO gRPC API for queuing default behavior of a URO and the UOR storage provider interface.