openair-parser 1.8.3
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @openaip/openair-parser@1.8.3
Install via package.json:
"@openaip/openair-parser": "1.8.3"
About this version
A highly configurable OpenAIR parser for Node. The parser can also be configured to validate and fix defined geometry.
Reads OpenAIR airspace definitions:
AN ED-R10B Todendorf-Putlos MON-SAT+
AH 40000ft MSL
DP 54:25:00 N 010:40:00 E
DP 54:25:00 N 010:50:00 E
DP 54:26:00 N 010:53:00 E
DP 54:19:30 N 010:53:00 E
DP 54:15:00 N 010:41:00 E
DP 54:15:19 N 010:40:00 E
DP 54:20:00 N 010:40:00 E
DP 54:25:00 N 010:40:00 E
Outputs GeoJSON FeatureCollection:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"name": "ED-R10B Todendorf-Putlos MON-SAT+",
"class": "R",
"upperCeiling": {
"value": 40000,
"unit": "FT",
"referenceDatum": "MSL"
"lowerCeiling": {
"value": 0,
"unit": "FT",
"referenceDatum": "GND"
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[10.666666666666666, 54.416666666666664],
[10.833333333333334, 54.416666666666664],
[10.883333333333333, 54.43333333333333],
[10.883333333333333, 54.325],
[10.683333333333334, 54.25],
[10.666666666666666, 54.25527777777778],
[10.666666666666666, 54.333333333333336],
[10.666666666666666, 54.416666666666664]
npm install @openaip/openair-parser
const Parser = require('@openaip/openair-parser');
The default parser configuration for reference.
const config = {
// accepted airspace classes for the AC token
airspaceClasses: [
// default ICAO classes
// classes commonly found in openair files
// flight level value to set for upper ceilings defined as "UNLIMITED"
unlimited: 999,
// defines the level of detail (smoothness) of arc/circular geometries
geometryDetail: 100,
// if true, validates each built airspace geometry to be valid/simple geometry - also checks for self intersections
validateGeometry: true,
// if true, uses "convexHull" to fix an invalid geometry - note that this may change the original airspace geometry!
fixGeometry: false,
// If true, the GeoJSON output will contain the original OpenAIR airspace definition block for each airspace. Note that this will considerably increase JSON object size!
includeOpenair: false,
// By default, parser uses 'ft' (feet) as the default unit if not explicitly defined in AL/AH definitions. Allowed units are: 'ft' and 'm'.
defaultAltUnit: 'ft',
// Defines the target unit to convert to. Allowed units are: 'ft' and 'm'.
targetAltUnit: 'ft',
// round altitude values
roundAltValues: false,
const parser = new Parser(config);
await parser.parse('./path/to/openair-file.txt');
const geojson = parser.toGeoJson();
node cli.js -h
Usage: cli [options]
-f, --input-filepath <inFilepath> The input file path to the openAIR file
-o, --output-filepath <outFilepath> The output filename of the generated geojson file
-V, --validate If set to true, validates geometries. Defaults to true.
-F, --fix-geometry If set to true, tries to fix geometries. Note that this may change the original airspace geometry! Defaults to false.
-h, --help output usage information
Simple command line usage:
node cli.js -f ./tests/fixtures/full-airspaces.txt -o test.json