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swap-kiwi-contracts / 1.0.2-beta

swap-kiwi-contracts 1.0.2-beta

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @niftyhorde/swap-kiwi-contracts@1.0.2-beta
Install via package.json:
"@niftyhorde/swap-kiwi-contracts": "1.0.2-beta"

About this version


Simple. Safe. Reliable. Your NFT swapping platform.

Smart contract flow for swapping

  1. First user starts a swap by calling proposeSwap and providing the address of the second user he wants to trade with and arrays of NFT addresses and IDs he wants to trade -> NFTs transferred to SwapKiwi contract

  2. Second user can now progress the swap by calling initiateSwap with arrays of NFT addresses and IDs he wants to trade -> NFTs transferred to SwapKiwi contract OR cancel it by calling cancelSwap -> NFTs transferred back to swap initiator

  3. First user can now execute the swap by calling acceptSwap -> NFTs transferred from SwapKiwi to participants OR reject the swap entirely by calling rejectSwap -> NFTs transferred from SwapKiwi to their owners



Following software is required to be installed to use this repo:

This repo also uses dependencies that are associated with Hardhat but not built-in. Third -party plugins:


On first use of this repo, run yarn install to install all required dependencies. Then run yarn run build to set up the repo.

Run yarn run help to see all available commands:

  • build - Compiles the entire project and generates Typechain typings
  • lint - Runs solhint on current project
  • clean - Clears the cache and deletes all artifacts
  • compile - Compiles the entire project, building all artifacts
  • deploy:local - Run deploy script on localhost
  • console - Opens a buidler console
  • coverage - Generates a code coverage report for tests
  • flatten - Flattens and prints all contracts and their dependencies
  • help - Prints available commands
  • node - Starts a JSON-RPC server on top of Buidler EVM
  • script - Runs a user-defined script after compiling the project
  • test:localhost - Runs mocha tests
  • test:ci - Runs gas check and solidity coverage
  • test:gas - Runs gas check
  • test:coverage - Runs solidity coverage
  • typechain - Generate Typechain typings for compiled contracts


Please check .env.sample and populate the required variables in the .env file.

    • address of the contract owner on mainnet (for other networks contract owner is deployer)
    • on deployment, ownership is automatically transferred from deployer to this address



  • swap-kiwi-contracts-1.0.2-beta.tgz

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