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identus-cloud-agent-client-ts 1.39.1-4e368bd

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @hyperledger/identus-cloud-agent-client-ts@1.39.1-4e368bd
Install via package.json:
"@hyperledger/identus-cloud-agent-client-ts": "1.39.1-4e368bd"

About this version


This generator creates TypeScript/JavaScript client that utilizes fetch-api.


To build and compile the typescript sources to javascript use:

npm install
npm run build


First build the package then run npm publish


Navigate to the folder of your consuming project and run one of the following commands.


npm install @ --save

unPublished (not recommended):

npm install PATH_TO_GENERATED_PACKAGE --save


Below code snippet shows exemplary usage of the configuration and the API based on the typical PetStore example used for OpenAPI.

import * as your_api from 'your_api_package'

// Covers all auth methods included in your OpenAPI yaml definition
const authConfig: your_api.AuthMethodsConfiguration = {
    "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY"

// Implements a simple middleware to modify requests before (`pre`) they are sent
// and after (`post`) they have been received 
class Test implements your_api.Middleware {
    pre(context: your_api.RequestContext): Promise<your_api.RequestContext> {
        // Modify context here and return
        return Promise.resolve(context);

    post(context: your_api.ResponseContext): Promise<your_api.ResponseContext> {
        return Promise.resolve(context);


// Create configuration parameter object
const configurationParameters = {
    httpApi: new your_api.JQueryHttpLibrary(), // Can also be ignored - default is usually fine
    baseServer: your_api.servers[0], // First server is default
    authMethods: authConfig, // No auth is default
    promiseMiddleware: [new Test()],

// Convert to actual configuration
const config = your_api.createConfiguration(configurationParameters);

// Use configuration with your_api
const api = new your_api.PetApi(config);
your_api.Pet p = new your_api.Pet(); = "My new pet";
p.photoUrls = [];
p.tags = [];
p.status = "available";
Promise<your_api.Pet> createdPet = api.addPet(p);



  • identus-cloud-agent-client-ts-1.39.1-4e368bd.tgz

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