sitemap-index-by-day-feature-block 0.0.0-canary-20240229210423
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @wpmedia/sitemap-index-by-day-feature-block@0.0.0-canary-20240229210423
Install via package.json:
"@wpmedia/sitemap-index-by-day-feature-block": "0.0.0-canary-20240229210423"
About this version
sitemap index by day is intended to generate large sitemaps going back weeks, months or years. It consists of three formats, sitemap-index-by-day, sitemap-by-day and sitemap with a date in the path (just a new resolver).
The sitemap-index-by-day format returns one link to sitemap-by-day for each day, starting with the current day which is called 'latest' and going back the number of days specified (defaults to 7). Each link should be to sitemap-by-day where the link looks like /arc/outboundedfeeds/sitemap-by-day/2021-04-06?outputType=xml.
This format works by using the customField maxDays. It does not use a content source so it should be created as a page. It starts with the current day and decrements the day by 1 until it's looped through maxDays. Optionally you can enter a date in YYYY-MM-DD format to use as the last day. Links with the date look like /arc/outboundfeeds/sitemap-by-day/YYYY-MM-DD.
Since this format doesn't need a content source, it can be created as a page.
numberOfDays - The number of links (days back) to generate. Optionally if a valid date is entered in YYYY-MM-DD format it will be used to calculate the maxDays.
feedPath - kvp of number of days and the path to use Defaults to { 0:'/arc/outboundfeeds/sitemap/', 2:'/arc/outboundfeeds/sitemap2', 7:'/arc/outboundfeeds/sitemap3'}
feedName - The name of the feed used in the resolver. Defaults to
This is used to split the requestURI to get anything in the path after the feed like a section. If a request is made using/arc/outboundfeeds/sitemap-index/category/sports
. This will be split on/sitemap-index/
which results in an array of['/arc/outboundfeeds', 'category/sports']
the second array element, if any, will be appended to the generated sitemap url. -
feedExtension - file extention like .xml to add to urls, otherwise they end in '/'
feedParams - optional url parameters separated with '&' no leading '?'
feedDates2Split - kvp of dates to split and number of splits like { '2022-03-14': '2'} to create /sitemap/2022-03-14-1, sitemap/2022-03-14-2
- sitemap-index-by-day-feature-block
- WPMedia
- 11 months ago
- CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
- 2 dependencies
- sitemap-index-by-day-feature-block-0.0.0-canary-20240229210423.tgz
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