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default-output-block 5.17.1-arc-themes-release-version-1.20.3460

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @wpmedia/default-output-block@5.17.1-arc-themes-release-version-1.20.3460
Install via package.json:
"@wpmedia/default-output-block": "5.17.1-arc-themes-release-version-1.20.3460"

About this version


Fusion News Theme default output type. Please provide a 1-2 sentence description of what the block is and what it does.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Add AC relevant to the block


Prop Required Type Description
required prop yes
optional prop no
contentConfig example Please specify which content sources are compatible

ANS Schema

Outline any schema information requirements necessary to know for ths block

ANS Fields

  • globalContent (see below) used by Metadata component in Engine Theme SDK
 description?: {
      basic?: string;
  headlines?: {
      basic?: string;
  taxonomy?: {
      seo_keywords?: Array<string>;
      tags?: Array<{
          slug?: string;
  authors?: Array<{
      bio?: string;
      byline?: string;
  Payload?: Array<{
      description?: string;
      name?: string;
  metadata?: {
      metadata_description?: string;
      metadata_title?: string;
  name?: string;

Internationalization fields

  • Add all internationalization fields used in the block


Blocks can emit events. The following is a list of events that are emitted by this block.

Event Name Description
eventName Describe the event

Event Listening

Include block specific instructions for event listening.


This block does not emit any events.

Additional Considerations

In the site properties, you can pass in dangerouslySetJS in blocks.json. The double-quote enclosed console.log is an example of how to format the injection. You need to have single-quotes enclosed here. It's ok to use minified code. Currently template literals are not supported in json. We're also not parsing this on the front-end so no need to escape characters.

siteProperties: {
    "dangerouslyInjectJS": [