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vwc-expansion-panel 2.43.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @vonage/vwc-expansion-panel@2.43.1
Install via package.json:
"@vonage/vwc-expansion-panel": "2.43.1"

About this version



Property Attribute Type Default Description
dense dense boolean false
header header string "" The heading text of the expanded panel. deprecated please use heading property instead
heading heading string "" The heading text of the expanded panel
icon icon string ""
indicatorIconSet indicatorIconSet string "chevron"
leadingToggle leadingToggle boolean false
noRipple noRipple boolean false
open open boolean false
ripple Promise<Ripple>
headingLevel heading-level string "3" The expansion panel heading-level defaults to 3 (meaning the button is wrapped with a H3 tag) but need to be in accordance to the page's hierarchy


Method Type Description
close (): void
notifyClose (): void
notifyOpen (): void
openChanged (isOpen: boolean): void Invoked when the element open state is updated.

Expressions inside this method will trigger upon open state change

_isOpen: Boolean of open state
show (): void


Event Type
closed CustomEvent<any>
opened CustomEvent<any>



  • vwc-expansion-panel-2.43.1.tgz

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