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vwc-dialog / 2.45.0

vwc-dialog 2.45.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @vonage/vwc-dialog@2.45.0
Install via package.json:
"@vonage/vwc-dialog": "2.45.0"

About this version


This component is an extension of



Name Description
icon A slot meant for an icon. Appears above the heading.
primaryAction A focusable and clickable target. Typically a button such as <mwc-button>. Placed on the bottom right of the dialog (LTR) and above the secondary action when stacked. Automatically clicked when Enter key is pressed in the dialog.
secondaryAction A focusable and clickable target. Typically a button such as <mwc-button>. Placed immediately to the left of the primaryAction (LTR) or below when stacked.
default Content to display in the dialog's content area.


Name Type Description
open boolean Whether the dialog should open.
hideActions boolean Hides the actions footer of the dialog. Needed to remove excess padding when no actions are slotted in.
stacked boolean Whether to stack the action buttons.
heading string Heading text of the dialog.
scrimClickAction string Default: 'close' – Action to be emitted with the closing and closed events when the dialog closes because the scrim was clicked.
escapeKeyAction string Default: 'close' – Action to be emitted with the closing and closed events when the dialog closes because the excape key was pressed.
defaultAction string Default: 'close' – Action to be emitted with the closing and closed events when <mwc-dialog>.open is toggled.
actionAttribute string Default: 'dialogAction' – Attribute to read in light dom of dialog for closing action value.
initialFocusAttribute string Default: 'dialogInitialFocus' – Attribute to search for in light dom for initial focus on dialog open.
closeButton boolean Default: 'false' - show/hide the dismiss button
topPosition string Default: 'unset' - override the dialog centering to the screen and allow setting a unique top. Can get: small, medium, large, xlarge


Name Description
forceLayout() => void Forces dialog to relayout (animation frame time). May be required if dialog size is incorrect or if stacked layout has not been triggered correctly.
focus() => void Focuses on the initial focus element if defined.
blur() => void Blurs the active element.
show() => void Opens the dialog.
close() => void Closes the dialog.


Event Name Target Description
click root element Detects if clicked target is a dialog action.
resize window Performs dialog layout (passive).
orientationchange window Performs dialog layout (passive).
keydown mwc-dialog Listens for the enter key to click the default button (passive).
keydown document Listens for the escape key to close the dialog (see escapeKeyAction).


Event Name Target Detail Description
opening mwc-dialog {} Fired when the dialog is beginning to open.
opened mwc-dialog {} Fired once the dialog is finished opening (after animation).
closing mwc-dialog {action: string} Fired when the dialog is is beginning to close. Detail is the action that closed the dialog.
closed mwc-dialog {action: string} Fired once the dialog is finished closing (after animation). Detail is the action that closed the dialog.



  • vwc-dialog-2.45.0.tgz

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