Proof of concept for cartographic document generation using GeoTools libraries.
This library need you to have a Java JRE 11 and Groovy 3.0.X installed.
It renders the input .mc
file into the output image (like .png
or `.jpg).
The Java JAR can be found here and shouldbe run as a bash command line :
java -jar poccarto-*-command.jar [-hV] (--mcHelp | [<input> [<output>] [-s[=<show>]] [--no-replace]])
# Very simple usage
java -jar poccarto-*-command.jar outputImageFile.png
# To just display the result
java -jar poccarto-*-command.jar
The groovy script poccarto.groovy should be run as a bash command line.
It renders the input .mc
file into the output image (like .png
or `.jpg).
# General usage
groovy poccarto.groovy [-hV] (--mcHelp | [<input> [<output>] [-s[=<show>]] [--no-replace]])
# Very simple usage
groovy poccarto.groovy outputImageFile.png
# To just display the result
groovy poccarto.groovy
Render input map content (.mc) file into the output image file.
If the output file exists, it is replaced by the new content. To avoid that, the option --no-replace
should be used.
For more information about .mc file, use option --mcHelp
The input map content (.mc) file.
Optional output image file. If not set, the generated map whill be display (see --show
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit.
Documentation about .mc file.
Avoid to replace existing output file by adding a number at the end : out.png -> out1.png -> out2.png ...
-s, --show[=<show>]
Show the rendering result in a separated window. Window size can be set adding 'widthxheight' like '--show 300x240'.
-V, --version
Print version information and exit.
The .mc file is the serialization of a map content under json format.
The width can be defined using "w"
or "width"
The height can be defined using "h"
or "height"
"title":"title of the map",
"w"/"width": 300,
"h"/"height": 400,
"data":"path to your data file (.geojson format)",
"styles":["path to your style file (.css format)", "path to your style file (.css format)", ...]
"data":"path to your second data file (.geojson format)",
"crs":"EPSG:4326", //Optional, only if a bbox is defined
"bbox":[-0.1,2.1,50.0,48.4] //Optional, is not set, use the data computed bbox.