Cocktail is a fast front-end builder. It takes the basic code by Codeigniter-Boilerplate but upgrades Codeigniter to version 3, HTML5Boileplate to v. 5. Then it adds Bootstrap (v.3) and bundles several scripts to improve your job.
Cocktail is NOT a end user product, at this stage is more or less a bucket of prototypes and scripts built on top of three solid frameworks.
The most importan add on on this release is the OpenDataClient module.
2017/5/8 v.0.0.6
- CodeIgniter upgrade to 3.1.4
- jQuery upgrade to 2.2.4
- Libraries: BP_Opendataclient.php
- Controllers: Opendataclient.php
- Json endpoint: Json.php
- Helpers: breadcrumbs_heplper.php (source:
- Upgrades: new build for datatables js
- Some corrections in templates and views