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Sebastian Golebiewski edited this page Jul 25, 2023 · 6 revisions

OpenVINO™ Contrib Wiki

An overview of the openvino_contrib modules

This list gives an overview of all modules available inside the contrib repository.

How to build OpenVINO with extra modules

You can build OpenVINO, so it will include the modules from this repository. Contrib modules are under constant development and it is recommended to use them alongside the master branch or latest releases of OpenVINO.

Here is the CMake command for you:

$ cd <openvino_build_directory>
$ cmake -DOPENVINO_EXTRA_MODULES=<openvino_contrib>/modules <openvino_source_directory>
$ cmake --build . -j8

As the result, OpenVINO will be built in the openvino_build_directory with all modules from openvino_contrib repository. To disable specific modules, use CMake's BUILD_<module_name> boolean options. Like in this example:

$ cmake -DOPENVINO_EXTRA_MODULES=<openvino_contrib>/modules -DBUILD_java_api=OFF <openvino_source_directory>

Update the repository documentation

In order to keep a clean overview containing all contributed modules, the following files need to be created/adapted:

  • Update this file. Here, you add your module with a single-line description.

  • Add a inside your own module folder. This README explains which functionality (separate functions) is available, explains in somewhat more detail what the module is expected to do. If any extra requirements are needed to build the module without problems, add them here also.

How to Contribute

We welcome community contributions to the openvino_contrib repository. If you have an idea how to improve the modules, please share it with us. All guidelines for contributing to the repository can be found here.