A curated list of awesome OpenTelekomCloud (OTC) guides, libraries, tools, and resources. Inspired by awesome lists.
- otc-auth - Login through cli via OIDC/SAML/IAM, create openstack config, fetch kube config for CCE
- terraform-opentelekomcloud-project-factory - modular terraform scripts to automate the creation of OTC projects.
- terraform-provider-opentelekomcloud - The official Terraform provider for OpenTelekomCloud.
- otc-prometheus-exporter - A Prometheus exporter for OTC metrics.
- otc-terraform-template - A templated project to quickly start using Terraform with OTC. Used for OTC Workshop
- otc-infrastructure-charts-template - A Helm chart template for creating OTC Kubernetes infrastructures based on ArgoCD.
- https://github.com/iits-consulting/charts - Some helm charts are specifically designed for OTC
- golang - Golang SDK for OTC
- Python SDK for OTC - The OTC Extensions augment the OpenStack SDK of features and services provided by the Open Telekom Cloud.
- cce-argocd-bootstrap - ArgoCD will be auto installed over terraform and installs the first project
- cce-storage-classes - auto create storage classes which are encrypted by default
- rds-auto-init - manage your databases, schemas, users and permissions by infrastructure as code
- otc-nginx-ingress-example - An example of setting up an NGINX ingress in an OTC Kubernetes cluster.
- Terraform/ArgoCD - An OpenTelekomCloud community event focusing on best practices (Terraform/ArgoCD).
- HashiCorp Vault - Another OpenTelekomCloud community event focusing on Vault.
- nginx-cce - How to configure nginx ingress with CCE and Elastic Loadbalancer
- Getting Started with OpenTelekomCloud - A beginner's guide to using OTC.
- OpenTelekomCloud Forums - The official community forum for all things OTC.
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