WordPress plugin to make openspendingjs visualisations easy to add to WordPress posts and pages.
- Add the openspending directory into your WordPress instance's plugin directory (usually wp-content/plugins/).
- Go to your admin panel, navigate to plugins, find OpenSpending and activate it.
The OpenSpending WordPress plugin operates using the standard WordPress shortcodes, namely:
Three attributes must be defined:
- type - The type of visualisation to use
- dataset - The dataset on openspending.org to use
- drilldowns - Dimensions of the dataset to drill down into
If you would like to add a treemap for the dimensions from and to in the ukgov-25k-spending dataset on OpenSpending the only thing you need to add to your post or page is:
[openspending type="treemap" dataset="ukgov-25k-spending" dimensions="from,to"]
- Treemap (type: "treemap")
- Bubbletree (type: "bubbletree")
- Supported icons/colors for COFOG
###How to change the color of the main bubbles in the bubble chart? This would require javascript overwrite. It would be difficult to add onto wordpress ui.
###How to change line height of the bubble titles? Would require css overwrite. It would difficult to add onto wordpress ui.
###How to display amounts in Millions instead of Billions? Would require javascript overwrite (is possible, but difficult to add onto wordpress ui)
###How to change the assignment of bubble background images? Wordpress often stops users from adding javascripts files so it will require code changes to wordpress itself (or the theme)
###How to add a secondary currency, like US dollars and have it be shown in the bubbles or in the pop-up window? Unfortunately you cannot do this at the moment in OpenSpending. This would need a customised improvement.You can however do a separate budget in USD dollars and visualise that.