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Operator to manage deadmanssnitch configs for Openshift Dedicated


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Operator to manage deadmanssnitch configs for Openshift Dedicated


The operator runs on hive. It has a single controller. It:

  • Requires a master Secret to talk to the Dead Man's Snitch API. This secret is expected to be named deadmanssnitch-api-key and live in the deadmanssnitch-operator namespace.
  • Pays attention to ClusterDeployments that are:
    • Installed (spec.installed=true)
    • Managed (label"true")
  • For each such ClusterDeployment:
    • Adds a finalizer to the ClusterDeployment to ensure we get a chance to clean up when it is deleted.
    • Creates a Snitch
    • Creates a Secret in the ClusterDeployment's namespace named {clusterdeploymentname}-dms-secret. The Secret contains the Snitch URL.
    • Creates a SyncSet in the ClusterDeployment's namespace named {clusterdeploymentname}-dms}. The SyncSet creates a SecretMapping that makes the above Secret appear inside the cluster as dms-secret in the openshift-monitoring namespace.


metricDeadMansSnitchHeartbeat: Every 5 minutes, makes a request to the Dead Man's Snitch API using the API key and updates the gauge to 1 when the response code is between 200-299.


  • DeadMansSnitchAPIUnavailable - Unable to communicate with Dead Man's Snitch API for 15 minutes.


  • Create an account on
  • Choose a plan that allows enhanced snitch intervals(Private eye or above)
  • Create an API key
  • Create the following secret which is required for deadmanssnitch-operator to create snitches
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: deadmanssnitch-api-key
  namespace: deadmanssnitch-operator
  tags: <Tag for snitches>
  deadmanssnitch-api-key: <deadmanssnitch API key here>
  • Build a docker image and replace REPLACE_IMAGE operator.yaml field with that image
    • you can do that using oc create -f --dry-run=client -oyaml | oc set image --local -f - --dry-run=client -oyaml *=REPLACE_IMAGE
  • Deploy using oc apply -f deploy/


how to develop this locally

Set up local OpenShift cluster

Methods include:

Deploy dependencies

Hive CRDs need to be installed on the cluster.

Clone hive repo and run

git clone
oc apply -f hive/config/crds

Install the DeadMansSnitchIntegration CRD, create the operator namespace and other operator dependencies:

oc apply -f deploy/crds/deadmanssnitch.managed.openshift.io_deadmanssnitchintegrations.yaml
oc new-project deadmanssnitch-operator
oc apply -f deploy/role.yaml
oc apply -f deploy/service_account.yaml
oc apply -f deploy/role_binding.yaml

Create a secret which will contain the DeadMansSnitch API Key and Hive Cluster Tag.

You will require an API Key signed up to a DeadMansSnitch plan that allows for enhanced snitch intervals (the "Private Eye" plan). You can alternatively test the deadmanssnitch-operator by signing up to the free tier DeadMansSnitch plan (limited to 1 snitch), but doing so will require you to customize the snitch interval from 15_minute to hourly. This can be performed in deadmanssnitchintegration_controller.go

Adjust the example below and apply the file with oc apply -f <file>. Note that the values for tags and deadmanssnitch-api-key need to be base64 encoded. This can be performed using echo -n <text> | base64.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: deadmanssnitch-api-key
  namespace: deadmanssnitch-operator
  tags: <value>
  deadmanssnitch-api-key: <value>

Define a DeadMansSnitchIntegration

Create a DeadMansSnitchIntegration CR which will be used to identify clusters to apply DMS to.

The example below will target clusterdeployments that have a label set to "true". Apply it using oc apply -f <file>.

kind: DeadmansSnitchIntegration
  name: test-dmsi
  namespace: deadmanssnitch-operator
    - key:
      operator: In
      - "true"
    name: deadmanssnitch-api-key
    namespace: deadmanssnitch-operator
  snitchNamePostFix: "test"
  - test
    name: dms-secret-test
    namespace: openshift-monitoring

Run the operator

export OPERATOR_NAME=deadmanssnitch-operator
go run main.go

Create Clusterdeployment

You can create a dummy ClusterDeployment by copying a real one from an active hive

real-hive$ oc get cd -n <namespace> <cdname> -o yaml > /tmp/fake-clusterdeployment.yaml


$ oc create namespace fake-cluster-namespace
$ oc apply -f /tmp/fake-clusterdeployment.yaml

deadmanssnitch-operator doesn't start reconciling clusters until the clusterdeployment's spec.installed is set to true. If present, set spec.installed to true.

oc edit clusterdeployment fake-cluster -n fake-cluster-namespace

Ensure that the ClusterDeployment is labelled with the label from your DMSI's clusterDeploymentSelector clause.

Using the example from earlier:

oc label clusterdeployment -n <namespace> <cdname>

Delete ClusterDeployment

To trigger deadmanssnitch-operator to remove the service in DeadMansSnitch, you can either delete the clusterdeployment or remove the clusterDeploymentSelector label:

oc delete clusterdeployment fake-cluster -n fake-cluster-namespace

If deleting the clusterdeployment, you may need to remove dangling finalizers from the clusterdeployment object.

oc edit clusterdeployment fake-cluster -n fake-cluster-namespace