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Signed-off-by: Lantao Jin <[email protected]>
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LantaoJin committed Oct 15, 2024
1 parent d83f61d commit 7bae01c
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Showing 6 changed files with 500 additions and 4 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -642,4 +642,30 @@ trait FlintSparkSuite extends QueryTest with FlintSuite with OpenSearchSuite wit
| (6, 403, '/home', null)
| """.stripMargin)

protected def createNullableJsonContentTable(testTable: String): Unit = {
| CREATE TABLE $testTable
| (
| id INT,
| jString STRING,
| isValid BOOLEAN
| )
| USING $tableType $tableOptions

| INSERT INTO $testTable
| VALUES (1, '{"account_number":1,"balance":39225,"age":32,"gender":"M"}', true),
| (2, '{"f1":"abc","f2":{"f3":"a","f4":"b"}}', true),
| (3, '[1,2,3,{"f1":1,"f2":[5,6]},4]', true),
| (4, '[]', true),
| (5, '{"teacher":"Alice","student":[{"name":"Bob","rank":1},{"name":"Charlie","rank":2}]}', true),
| (6, '[1,2', false),
| (7, '[invalid json]', false),
| (8, '{"invalid": "json"', false),
| (9, 'invalid json', false),
| (0, null, false)
| """.stripMargin)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
* Copyright OpenSearch Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package org.opensearch.flint.spark.ppl

import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, QueryTest, Row}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{UnresolvedAttribute, UnresolvedFunction, UnresolvedRelation, UnresolvedStar}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, EqualTo, Literal, Not}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamTest

class FlintSparkPPLJsonFunctionITSuite
extends QueryTest
with LogicalPlanTestUtils
with FlintPPLSuite
with StreamTest {

/** Test table and index name */
private val testTable = "spark_catalog.default.flint_ppl_test"

private val validJson1 = "{\"account_number\":1,\"balance\":39225,\"age\":32,\"gender\":\"M\"}"
private val validJson2 = "{\"f1\":\"abc\",\"f2\":{\"f3\":\"a\",\"f4\":\"b\"}}"
private val validJson3 = "[1,2,3,{\"f1\":1,\"f2\":[5,6]},4]"
private val validJson4 = "[]"
private val validJson5 =
private val invalidJson1 = "[1,2"
private val invalidJson2 = "[invalid json]"
private val invalidJson3 = "{\"invalid\": \"json\""
private val invalidJson4 = "invalid json"

override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
// Create test table

protected override def afterEach(): Unit = {
// Stop all streaming jobs if any { job =>

test("test json() function: valid JSON") {
Seq(validJson1, validJson2, validJson3, validJson4, validJson5).foreach { jsonStr =>
val frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable
| | eval result = json('$jsonStr') | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
val results: Array[Row] = frame.collect()
val expectedResults: Array[Row] = Array(Row(jsonStr))

val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame.queryExecution.logical
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("spark_catalog", "default", "flint_ppl_test"))
val jsonFunc = Alias(
Seq(Literal(jsonStr), Literal("$")),
isDistinct = false),
val eval = Project(Seq(UnresolvedStar(None), jsonFunc), table)
val limit = GlobalLimit(Literal(1), LocalLimit(Literal(1), eval))
val expectedPlan = Project(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("result")), limit)
comparePlans(logicalPlan, expectedPlan, checkAnalysis = false)

test("test json() function: invalid JSON") {
Seq(invalidJson1, invalidJson2, invalidJson3, invalidJson4).foreach { jsonStr =>
val frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable
| | eval result = json('$jsonStr') | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
val results: Array[Row] = frame.collect()
val expectedResults: Array[Row] = Array(Row(null))

val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame.queryExecution.logical
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("spark_catalog", "default", "flint_ppl_test"))
val jsonFunc = Alias(
Seq(Literal(jsonStr), Literal("$")),
isDistinct = false),
val eval = Project(Seq(UnresolvedStar(None), jsonFunc), table)
val limit = GlobalLimit(Literal(1), LocalLimit(Literal(1), eval))
val expectedPlan = Project(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("result")), limit)
comparePlans(logicalPlan, expectedPlan, checkAnalysis = false)

test("test json() function on field") {
val frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable
| | where isValid = true | eval result = json(jString) | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
val results: Array[Row] = frame.collect()
val expectedResults: Array[Row] =
Seq(validJson1, validJson2, validJson3, validJson4, validJson5).map(Row.apply(_)).toArray
implicit val rowOrdering: Ordering[Row] =[Row, String](_.getAs[String](0))

val frame2 = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable
| | where isValid = false | eval result = json(jString) | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
val results2: Array[Row] = frame2.collect()
val expectedResults2: Array[Row] =
Array(Row(null), Row(null), Row(null), Row(null), Row(null))

val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame.queryExecution.logical
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("spark_catalog", "default", "flint_ppl_test"))
val jsonFunc = Alias(
Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("jString"), Literal("$")),
isDistinct = false),
val eval = Project(
Seq(UnresolvedStar(None), jsonFunc),
Filter(EqualTo(UnresolvedAttribute("isValid"), Literal(true)), table))
val expectedPlan = Project(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("result")), eval)
comparePlans(logicalPlan, expectedPlan, checkAnalysis = false)

test("test json_array()") {
// test string array
var frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_array('this', 'is', 'a', 'string', 'array') | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
Seq(Row(Array("this", "is", "a", "string", "array"))),

// test empty array
frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_array() | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row(Array())), frame.collect().toSeq)

// test number array
frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_array(1, 2, 0, -1, 1.1, -0.11) | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row(Array(1.0, 2.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.1, -0.11))), frame.collect().toSeq)

val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame.queryExecution.logical
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("spark_catalog", "default", "flint_ppl_test"))
val jsonFunc = Alias(
Seq(Literal(1), Literal(2), Literal(0), Literal(-1), Literal(1.1), Literal(-0.11)),
isDistinct = false)),
isDistinct = false),
val eval = Project(Seq(UnresolvedStar(None), jsonFunc), table)
val limit = GlobalLimit(Literal(1), LocalLimit(Literal(1), eval))
val expectedPlan = Project(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("result")), limit)
comparePlans(logicalPlan, expectedPlan, checkAnalysis = false)

// item in json_array should all be the same type
val ex = intercept[AnalysisException](sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_array('this', 'is', 1.1, -0.11, true, false) | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin))
assert(ex.getMessage().contains("should all be the same type"))

test("test json_array_length()") {
var frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_array_length(json_array('this', 'is', 'a', 'string', 'array')) | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row(5)), frame.collect().toSeq)

frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_array_length(json_array(1, 2, 0, -1, 1.1, -0.11)) | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row(6)), frame.collect().toSeq)

frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_array_length(json_array()) | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row(0)), frame.collect().toSeq)

frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_array_length('[]') | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row(0)), frame.collect().toSeq)
frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_array_length('[1,2,3,4]') | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row(4)), frame.collect().toSeq)
frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_array_length('[1,2,3,{"f1":1,"f2":[5,6]},4]') | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row(5)), frame.collect().toSeq)
frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_array_length('{\"key\": 1}') | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row(null)), frame.collect().toSeq)
frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_array_length('[1,2') | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row(null)), frame.collect().toSeq)

test("test json_object()") {
// test value is a string
var frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_object('key', 'string') | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row("""{"key":"string"}""")), frame.collect().toSeq)

// test value is a number
frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_object('key', 123.45) | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row("""{"key":123.45}""")), frame.collect().toSeq)

// test value is a boolean
frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_object('key', true) | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row("""{"key":true}""")), frame.collect().toSeq)

// test value is an empty array
frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_object('key', json_array()) | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row("""{"key":[]}""")), frame.collect().toSeq)

// test value is an array
frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable | eval result = json_object('key', json_array(1, 2, 3)) | head 1 | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
QueryTest.sameRows(Seq(Row("""{"key":[1,2,3]}""")), frame.collect().toSeq)

// test value is an another json
frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable
| | where isValid = true
| | eval result = json_object('key', json(jString)) | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
val expectedRows = Seq(
Row("""{"key":{"f1":"abc", "f2":{"f3":"a", "f4":"b"}}}"""),
Row("""{"key":[1, 2, 3, {"f1":1, "f2":[5, 6]}, 4]}"""),
"""{"key":{"teacher":"Alice", "student":[{"name":"Bob", "rank":1}, {"name":"Charlie", "rank":2}]}}"""))
QueryTest.sameRows(expectedRows, frame.collect().toSeq)

val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame.queryExecution.logical
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("spark_catalog", "default", "flint_ppl_test"))
val jsonFunc = Alias(
Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("jString"), Literal("$")),
isDistinct = false)),
isDistinct = false)),
isDistinct = false),
val eval = Project(
Seq(UnresolvedStar(None), jsonFunc),
Filter(EqualTo(UnresolvedAttribute("isValid"), Literal(true)), table))
val expectedPlan = Project(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("result")), eval)
comparePlans(logicalPlan, expectedPlan, checkAnalysis = false)

test("test json_valid()") {
val frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable
| | where json_valid(jString) | fields jString
| """.stripMargin)
val results: Array[Row] = frame.collect()
val expectedResults: Array[Row] =
Seq(validJson1, validJson2, validJson3, validJson4, validJson5).map(Row.apply(_)).toArray
implicit val rowOrdering: Ordering[Row] =[Row, String](_.getAs[String](0))

val frame2 = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable
| | where not json_valid(jString) | fields jString
| """.stripMargin)
val results2: Array[Row] = frame2.collect()
val expectedResults2: Array[Row] =
Seq(invalidJson1, invalidJson2, invalidJson3, invalidJson4, null).map(Row.apply(_)).toArray

val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame2.queryExecution.logical
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("spark_catalog", "default", "flint_ppl_test"))
val jsonFunc =
Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("jString"), Literal("$")),
isDistinct = false)),
isDistinct = false)
val where = Filter(Not(jsonFunc), table)
val expectedPlan = Project(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("jString")), where)
comparePlans(logicalPlan, expectedPlan, checkAnalysis = false)

test("test json_keys()") {
val frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable
| | where isValid = true
| | eval result = json_keys(json(jString)) | fields result
| """.stripMargin)
val expectedRows = Seq(
Row(Array("account_number", "balance", "age", "gender")),
Row(Array("f1", "f2")),
Row(Array("teacher", "student")))
QueryTest.sameRows(expectedRows, frame.collect().toSeq)

val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame.queryExecution.logical
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("spark_catalog", "default", "flint_ppl_test"))
val jsonFunc = Alias(
Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("jString"), Literal("$")),
isDistinct = false)),
isDistinct = false),
val eval = Project(
Seq(UnresolvedStar(None), jsonFunc),
Filter(EqualTo(UnresolvedAttribute("isValid"), Literal(true)), table))
val expectedPlan = Project(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("result")), eval)
comparePlans(logicalPlan, expectedPlan, checkAnalysis = false)

test("test json_extract()") {


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