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Signed-off-by: YANGDB <[email protected]>
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YANG-DB committed Sep 26, 2023
1 parent 34de246 commit 1ae9fdc
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* Copyright OpenSearch Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package org.opensearch.flint.spark

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{UnresolvedAttribute, UnresolvedFunction, UnresolvedRelation, UnresolvedStar}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, Descending, Divide, Floor, Literal, Multiply, SortOrder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamTest
import org.apache.spark.sql.{QueryTest, Row}

class FlintSparkPPLAggregationWithSpanITSuite
extends QueryTest
with LogicalPlanTestUtils
with FlintPPLSuite
with StreamTest {

/** Test table and index name */
private val testTable = "default.flint_ppl_test"

override def beforeAll(): Unit = {

// Create test table
// Update table creation
| CREATE TABLE $testTable
| (
| name STRING,
| age INT,
| state STRING,
| country STRING
| )
| header 'false',
| delimiter '\t'
| )
| year INT,
| month INT
| )

// Update data insertion
| INSERT INTO $testTable
| PARTITION (year=2023, month=4)
| VALUES ('Jake', 70, 'California', 'USA'),
| ('Hello', 30, 'New York', 'USA'),
| ('John', 25, 'Ontario', 'Canada'),
| ('Jane', 20, 'Quebec', 'Canada')
| """.stripMargin)

protected override def afterEach(): Unit = {
// Stop all streaming jobs if any { job =>

* | age_span | count_age |
* |:---------|----------:|
* | 20 | 2 |
* | 30 | 1 |
* | 70 | 1 |
test("create ppl simple count age by span of interval of 10 years query test ") {
val frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable| stats count(age) by span(age, 10) as age_span
| """.stripMargin)

// Retrieve the results
val results: Array[Row] = frame.collect()
// Define the expected results
val expectedResults: Array[Row] = Array(Row(1, 70L), Row(1, 30L), Row(2, 20L))

// Compare the results
implicit val rowOrdering: Ordering[Row] =[Row, Long](_.getAs[Long](1))

// Retrieve the logical plan
val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame.queryExecution.logical
// Define the expected logical plan
val star = Seq(UnresolvedStar(None))
val ageField = UnresolvedAttribute("age")
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("default", "flint_ppl_test"))

val aggregateExpressions =
Alias(UnresolvedFunction(Seq("COUNT"), Seq(ageField), isDistinct = false), "count(age)")()
val span = Alias(
Multiply(Floor(Divide(UnresolvedAttribute("age"), Literal(10))), Literal(10)),
val aggregatePlan = Aggregate(Seq(span), Seq(aggregateExpressions, span), table)
val expectedPlan = Project(star, aggregatePlan)

// Compare the two plans
assert(compareByString(expectedPlan) === compareByString(logicalPlan))

* | age_span | average_age |
* |:---------|------------:|
* | 20 | 22.5 |
* | 30 | 30 |
* | 70 | 70 |
test("create ppl simple avg age by span of interval of 10 years query test ") {
val frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable| stats avg(age) by span(age, 10) as age_span
| """.stripMargin)

// Retrieve the results
val results: Array[Row] = frame.collect()
// Define the expected results
val expectedResults: Array[Row] = Array(Row(70d, 70L), Row(30d, 30L), Row(22.5d, 20L))

// Compare the results
implicit val rowOrdering: Ordering[Row] =[Row, Double](_.getAs[Double](0))

// Retrieve the logical plan
val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame.queryExecution.logical
// Define the expected logical plan
val star = Seq(UnresolvedStar(None))
val ageField = UnresolvedAttribute("age")
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("default", "flint_ppl_test"))

val aggregateExpressions =
Alias(UnresolvedFunction(Seq("AVG"), Seq(ageField), isDistinct = false), "avg(age)")()
val span = Alias(
Multiply(Floor(Divide(UnresolvedAttribute("age"), Literal(10))), Literal(10)),
val aggregatePlan = Aggregate(Seq(span), Seq(aggregateExpressions, span), table)
val expectedPlan = Project(star, aggregatePlan)

// Compare the two plans
assert(compareByString(expectedPlan) === compareByString(logicalPlan))

test("create ppl simple avg age by span of interval of 10 years with head (limit) query test ") {
val frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable| stats avg(age) by span(age, 10) as age_span | head 2
| """.stripMargin)

// Retrieve the results
val results: Array[Row] = frame.collect()
assert(results.length == 2)

// Retrieve the logical plan
val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame.queryExecution.logical
// Define the expected logical plan
val star = Seq(UnresolvedStar(None))
val ageField = UnresolvedAttribute("age")
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("default", "flint_ppl_test"))

val aggregateExpressions =
Alias(UnresolvedFunction(Seq("AVG"), Seq(ageField), isDistinct = false), "avg(age)")()
val span = Alias(
Multiply(Floor(Divide(UnresolvedAttribute("age"), Literal(10))), Literal(10)),
val aggregatePlan = Aggregate(Seq(span), Seq(aggregateExpressions, span), table)
val projectPlan = Project(star, aggregatePlan)
val expectedPlan = Limit(Literal(2), projectPlan)

// Compare the two plans
assert(compareByString(expectedPlan) === compareByString(logicalPlan))

* | age_span | country | average_age |
* |:---------|:--------|:------------|
* | 20 | Canada | 22.5 |
* | 30 | USA | 30 |
* | 70 | USA | 70 |
test("create ppl average age by span of interval of 10 years group by country query test ") {
val frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable| stats avg(age) by span(age, 10) as age_span, country
| """.stripMargin)

// Retrieve the results
val results: Array[Row] = frame.collect()
// Define the expected results
val expectedResults: Array[Row] =
Array(Row(70.0d, "USA", 70L), Row(30.0d, "USA", 30L), Row(22.5d, "Canada", 20L))

// Compare the results
implicit val rowOrdering: Ordering[Row] =[Row, String](_.getAs[String](1))

// Retrieve the logical plan
val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame.queryExecution.logical
// Define the expected logical plan
val star = Seq(UnresolvedStar(None))
val ageField = UnresolvedAttribute("age")
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("default", "flint_ppl_test"))
val countryField = UnresolvedAttribute("country")
val countryAlias = Alias(countryField, "country")()

val aggregateExpressions =
Alias(UnresolvedFunction(Seq("AVG"), Seq(ageField), isDistinct = false), "avg(age)")()
val span = Alias(
Multiply(Floor(Divide(UnresolvedAttribute("age"), Literal(10))), Literal(10)),
val aggregatePlan =
Aggregate(Seq(countryAlias, span), Seq(aggregateExpressions, countryAlias, span), table)
val expectedPlan = Project(star, aggregatePlan)

// Compare the two plans
assert(compareByString(expectedPlan) === compareByString(logicalPlan))

test("create ppl average age by span of interval of 10 years group by country head (limit) 2 query test ") {
val frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable| stats avg(age) by span(age, 10) as age_span, country | head 3
| """.stripMargin)
// Retrieve the results
val results: Array[Row] = frame.collect()
// Define the expected results
val expectedResults: Array[Row] =
Array(Row(70.0d, "USA", 70L), Row(30.0d, "USA", 30L), Row(22.5d, "Canada", 20L))

// Compare the results
implicit val rowOrdering: Ordering[Row] =[Row, String](_.getAs[String](1))
// Retrieve the logical plan
val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame.queryExecution.logical
// Define the expected logical plan
val star = Seq(UnresolvedStar(None))
val ageField = UnresolvedAttribute("age")
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("default", "flint_ppl_test"))
val countryField = UnresolvedAttribute("country")
val countryAlias = Alias(countryField, "country")()

val aggregateExpressions =
Alias(UnresolvedFunction(Seq("AVG"), Seq(ageField), isDistinct = false), "avg(age)")()
val span = Alias(
Multiply(Floor(Divide(UnresolvedAttribute("age"), Literal(10))), Literal(10)),
val aggregatePlan =
Aggregate(Seq(countryAlias, span), Seq(aggregateExpressions, countryAlias, span), table)
val projectPlan = Project(star, aggregatePlan)
val expectedPlan = Limit(Literal(3), projectPlan)

// Compare the two plans
assert(compareByString(expectedPlan) === compareByString(logicalPlan))

test("create ppl average age by span of interval of 10 years group by country head (limit) 2 query and sort by test ") {
val frame = sql(s"""
| source = $testTable| stats avg(age) by span(age, 10) as age_span, country | sort - age_span | head 2
| """.stripMargin)

// Retrieve the results
val results: Array[Row] = frame.collect()
assert(results.length == 2)

// Retrieve the logical plan
val logicalPlan: LogicalPlan = frame.queryExecution.logical
// Define the expected logical plan
val star = Seq(UnresolvedStar(None))
val ageField = UnresolvedAttribute("age")
val table = UnresolvedRelation(Seq("default", "flint_ppl_test"))
val countryField = UnresolvedAttribute("country")
val countryAlias = Alias(countryField, "country")()

val aggregateExpressions =
Alias(UnresolvedFunction(Seq("AVG"), Seq(ageField), isDistinct = false), "avg(age)")()
val span = Alias(
Multiply(Floor(Divide(UnresolvedAttribute("age"), Literal(10))), Literal(10)),
val aggregatePlan =
Aggregate(Seq(countryAlias, span), Seq(aggregateExpressions, countryAlias, span), table)
val projectPlan = Project(star, aggregatePlan)
val expectedPlan = Limit(Literal(2), projectPlan)
val sortedPlan: LogicalPlan = Sort(
Seq(SortOrder(UnresolvedAttribute("age_span"), Descending)),
global = true,
// Compare the two plans
assert(compareByString(sortedPlan) === compareByString(logicalPlan))


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