Time-Series repository and metric dashboards for measuring system performance. Current use cases include Crossing (Smart City Simulator) and Pong.
Install docker on your platform of choice (the following config has been tested on Windows 10).
Once installed:
docker run -d --name graphite -p 80:80 -p 2003-2004:2003-2004 -p 2023-2024:2023-2024 -p 8125:8125/udp -p 8126:8126 graphiteapp/graphite-statsd
docker run -d --name=grafana -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana
Create a bridge network for docker containers
docker network create metric-net
docker network connect metric-net graphite
docker network connect metric-net grafana
docker network inspect metric-net
Configure Grafana data source
In your browser enter:
Default user/password is: admin/admin
Select add new data source and choose Graphite.
Set the URL to the virtual IP address (for Graphite) from the inspect command above, using port 80: example:
Click Save & Test - You should see 'Data source is working.' If not check the above steps.
Return to the main menu and select Import dashboard Download the 'OpenNARS Dashboard.json' file from the Github repository (Dashboards). In Grafana navigate to 'import dashboard' and click 'upload .json file' then select the downloaded .json file. Select the Pong dashboard on the Home page.
Now run Open-NARS v3.0.2 LAB and select Pong application from the launcher menu to start collecting metrics.
After a few seconds the sessionID and version fields (top left) will be populated and data will start to appear on the graphs.
Each Pong session will generate a unique session id and can be selected from the sessionId drop down. Different Open-NARS versions can be compared by running the respective versions and selecting the relevant version number in the drop down.
At the end of your metric sesssion the docker containers can be stopped
docker stop grafana
docker stop graphite
and restarted on subsequent sessions
docker restart graphite
docker restart grafana
Your data will be persisted between sessions
For detailed instructions on using Grafana see: https://grafana.com/
In the initial Pong Dashboard there are a few interesting points to be aware of:
- Learning breakeven point - when Hits = Misses - The time to reach this point can be interpretated as the initial learning rate. A few seconds at the start should be allowed to overcome any initial 'lucky' bias.
- Convergence to Hit/Miss ratio - This can be interpreted as a capability level of the current version
- Miss distance - this is a form of reliability metric in that the lower the miss distance (Total) the better the long term reliability.
For performance comparison for different OpenNARS releases se: https://github.com/opennars/Metrics/tree/master/OpenNARS%20version%20performance%20graphs